Tag: oscarcontest

  • Oscar Contest 2009

    Oscar Contest 2009The Seventh Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest is now open for entry! This year’s winner will take home a one-of-a-kind pair of Batman and Joker sock monkeys. (I almost didn’t do them because it seemed too obvious, but I also couldn’t resist the opportunity to make my second Heath Ledger tribute monkey.) I have to say, the Joker monkey is without a doubt the most DISTURBING sock creation of all time. He features hand-hooked green hair, a green waistcoat, a purple duster, and a SUPER-CREEPY painted face. Batman features a utility belt, a bat crest on his chest, his bat mask/helmet, and a long black cape. You could act out your favorite scenes from the movie… or slash fiction! Up to you.

    Please note: You’re welcome to save these photos to your server as long as you give me credit and link back to the contest. If I catch you hot-linking them or claiming credit, I reserve the right to replace them with something nasty (or poke you in the eye with a pencil).

    Anyway, I know this picture is enormous, but it’s also my favorite and I can’t resist. I’ve got this set as my desktop wallpaper right now.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Here’s the full view so you can see how long their arms/legs/tails are.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Joker close-up. Note: I used acrylic paint on his face, so you can’t ever get him wet or it’ll come off.

    Joker Sock Monkey

    Batman close-up. I’m really proud of how his mask turned out.

    Batman Sock Monkey

    Batman interrogates the Joker.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

  • Oscar Contest Coming Soon…

    It’s that time again…

    The Seventh Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest... Coming Soon

    The nominees will be announced in about fourteen hours. The contest will start this weekend, once I put the finishing touches on the prizes. (Yes, I said “prizes” as in plural. You can no doubt guess where I’m going with this.)

  • Oscar Contest is CLOSED!

    The web-goddess Oscar Contest 2008 is now CLOSED for new entries! The awards show is about to begin. I’ll be updating scores as often as I can over the next few hours. You’ll be able to see how you’re doing on the results page. And remember to count the dead people for me! Thanks…

    Update: And it’s all over! Congratulations to Gerald Granozio, who takes out the top prize this year. There was actually a five-way tie for first between Gerald, Brinton Callaghan, Jeremy Muir, Kevan Tucker, and Terry Rutherford, all of whom got 11 out of 12 correct. It came down to the dead-people tie-breaker then, which this year ended up being 43. Gerald guessed 42, just beating out Kevan who guessed 45. I think this was our closest contest ever! Thanks to everybody who entered.

    Even later: Wow! It turns out that Gerald is a bit of a ringer. 🙂

  • Oscar Contest 2008

    web-goddess Oscar Contest 2008It’s time to start the Sixth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest, folks! Here’s how it works: Just go the entry form and make your picks for the dozen award categories (and tie-breaker!). Whoever gets the most right wins a fabulous, one-of-a-kind sock monkey creation. After much deliberation, there really was only one choice this year: a Striking Writer Monkey. He’s union and proud, dammit! (And he’ll probably get the Oscar ceremony cancelled anyway.) He’s also kind of a hipster, for some reason. He features hand-knitted Converse All-Stars (which also function as baby booties, if you have a baby) and chunky black glasses (made out of Fimo). He’ll also come with his very own picket sign, as soon as I get some more ink for my printer. (If you want an idea of how big he is, check out this Flickr photo.)

    Striking Writer Monkey

    Knitted All-Stars

    Striking Writer Monkey

  • Oscar Night

    Oscar Night: Two upsets so far! That’s spread the field a fair bit…

    More than four hours later: Congratulations to Kent Bailey! Kent got an amazing 11 out of 12 correct, only missing the clean sweep on Best Foreign Film. (What an upset, huh?) He was also only one person off the Dead Person total, so any way you slice it, this was Kent’s year. Thanks to everybody else who played along (and who counted obits for me). See you next year!

  • Oscar Contest 2007

    I’m happy to announce that – at long last – my Fifth Annual Oscar Contest has begun! I have to tell you, it was hard to top last year’s prize. So what do you get if you reign supreme this year? Oh yes, your very own trio of fabulous Dream Monkeys! They shimmy; they sing; they have really long eyelashes. Their hair is as big as I could get it (given the limitations of chenille-covered pipe cleaners). People, these are the hardest working monkeys in show business!Special thanks go to Amy for ruffle-sewing assistance and makeup suggestions.

    Here are a few more pictures:


    Full body

    (Could I pander to my gay readers any more? I could not.)

  • Oscar Contest has officially launched

    It’s that time, folks! The Fourth Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest has officially launched. I’ve added a few more awards categories this year (to hopefully lessen the odds of a tie) but otherwise it works exactly the same.

    But Kris, you ask, what do we win? Hold on to your hats. If you manage to reign supreme this year, you will win none other than your very own pair of gay sock monkey cowboys. (I know! You’re like, “She didn’t.” But I totally did.) They’re rainbow… They have cowboy hats and boots… And they share the love that dare not speak its name. They are my greatest sock creations of all time. What to see more?I’m calling them Ennis and Jack, but you are, of course, free to rename them.

    Ennis and Jack

    A close-up of their faces. As you can see, I left off the mouths. These are men of few words.


    They’re knockin’ boots! Check out that embroidery work. I even put spurs on them!


    Frequently Asked Sock Monkey Questions:

    1. Do you have these for sale?
      No, unfortunately I don’t. I’ve sold sock monkeys in the past but, to be honest, the amount most people are willing to pay doesn’t nearly cover the effort involved. They’re surprisingly labor-intensive! Tha’s why I only give them away as prizes now. Of course, you’re welcome to make me an offer I can’t refuse…
    2. Are these knitted?
      Nope! While I can knit socks, these sock monkeys are actually made out of cheap knee socks purchased at K-Mart.
    3. Where did you get the hats and boots?
      I managed to find the hats at the last minute at Spotlight at Birkenhead Point, but it was the third or fourth store I tried. You should probably ring around. (I was soooo happy to get them. They really “make” the whole project.) For the boots, I first played around with some paper templates til I had a boot shape I liked. Then I cut them out of felt and hand-stitched them together. I also added small silver star charms for spurs and decorative stitching.
    4. How can I make my own?
      Easy! Just check out my tutorial.
    5. Can I put these pictures on my website?
      You’re welcome to put my pictures on your site as long as you give me credit for them, and you save them to your own webserver. I pay for all my webhosting out-of-pocket so I can’t afford to subsidise your bandwidth. So right-click and save the images to your own hard-drive, and then upload them to your own webspace. Thanks!
  • Oscar Contest

    The 4th Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest will start later today! Stay tuned…

    On a related note, we saw Walk the Line with Amy last night. My reaction was pretty much the same as Ebert‘s – the story was your basic predictable biopic but the real redeeming factors were the acting and the music. Joaquin Phoenix has always struck me as a little creepy, and that definitely hasn’t changed. He was so good as Cash, though, that now I kinda think of Johnny Cash as a little creepy too. I was all set for Reese Witherspoon to drive me up the wall – from her very first Minnie Pearl “Thanks, y’all!” at the Grand Ol’ Opry – but she completely won me over. In fact, I had been expecting to be blown away by this grand fairy tale romance but by the end of it, I just felt sad and angry at how June had been manipulated by this guy for years. And proposing to her on stage? That was the biggest dick move of all. I came straight home to look her up and find out if she wrote any autobiographies. (She did.) I know they were together for thirty-five years and all evidence points to them being very much in love… but I hope to hell he was the most Perfect Husband on Earth, because he had a lot to make up for. Now if you’ll go excuse me, I’ve got to search the P2P networks for “Swallerin’ Place.”

  • 4th Annual Oscar Contest

    By the time I get up in eight hours the Oscar nominations will have already been released, so let me just assure you all that the Fourth Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest will be starting very shortly. I’m not quite finished with the prize yet so we’ll probably be launching on Friday or Saturday. And can I just say, I have had a stroke of GENIUS this year. Seriously, it’s going to be the greatest prize yet. So go to the movies!

  • Oscar Contest

    Just looking at the Oscar Contest predictions and, man, there are clear-cut favorites in every single category. I hope there’s at least one upset or we’re going to end up in a massive tie. As with last year, I need a couple volunteers to count the dead people in the tribute montage for me. (It won’t air here til a few hours later.) The good news is that I’ve got Monday off so I’ll be sitting on the computer watching the results come in and updating everyone’s scores.