Tag: oscarcontest

  • Start preparing your acceptance speech, Ms. Kidman!

    She’s a shoo-in to win, according to the entries I’ve received for the Oscar Contest. Check out those nifty pie graphs! Those images are all generated on the fly by PHP from the database tallies. There are some surprises in there. Like, I can’t believe how many of y’all expect that Big Fat Greek Wedding woman to win. Yeah, I know it was a big cultural thing in the U.S., and it did okay business over here, but I never thought of it as Oscar-worthy. Maybe it’s because most Australians actually know real Greek people… 🙂

    (Also, some people might want to re-think their tiebreaker guess. You’re supposed to predict how many extra minutes the show will run beyond the allotted time, not how long it will be overall. A couple people had guesses up around the 3-hour mark. Just e-mail me if you wanna change yours…)

  • Enter my Oscar Contest 2003!

    OscarSince I always suck at predicting these things, I’ve decided to share my humiliation with y’all. How many can Academy Award winners you get right? It only takes a second to enter and the person with the highest score gets a custom-made sock monkey!