My old London buddy Christian Heilmann (who I caught up with in Sydney last year) has a great blog post up about public speaking for women. Christian was one of three speakers at this event designed to encourage more women to get out there and do more public speaking. He’s put up details about the event, including some slide decks and audio recordings. I’m more confident with public speaking than most, and I attribute a lot of that to being on the Speech team in high school. I also get regular practice at Guild meetings (where I have to lead 30+ people for two hours); Guild presentations (I’m taking my “Welcome to the Knitternet” talk on the road to Kiama next weekend); and teaching the occasional knitting class. One of my goals for the Guild this year is to get more members comfortable with speaking and presenting. It’s good for them personally, plus it also furthers my goal of preparing an army of knitters to take over the Guild. (MWAHAHAHA!) So if you’re a woman and you’re nervous about standing up in front of a group of your peers, hit up Christian’s site and watch his presentation. You’re gonna need it, sooner or later.