Tag: sewing

  • Mending

    I’m all about the short links today! I guess it was those two mammoth posts from yesterday. My next topic: mending. I’ve got socks that need darned and jeans that need patched.

  • Sturdy Tote Bag Tutorial

    Another tote bag tutorial. This one looks a little more complicated than the previous, but also a bit more sturdy. (Why am I obsessed with sewing projects lately? I think I may need to take a break from knitting for a while.)

  • Oscar Contest 2009

    Oscar Contest 2009The Seventh Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest is now open for entry! This year’s winner will take home a one-of-a-kind pair of Batman and Joker sock monkeys. (I almost didn’t do them because it seemed too obvious, but I also couldn’t resist the opportunity to make my second Heath Ledger tribute monkey.) I have to say, the Joker monkey is without a doubt the most DISTURBING sock creation of all time. He features hand-hooked green hair, a green waistcoat, a purple duster, and a SUPER-CREEPY painted face. Batman features a utility belt, a bat crest on his chest, his bat mask/helmet, and a long black cape. You could act out your favorite scenes from the movie… or slash fiction! Up to you.

    Please note: You’re welcome to save these photos to your server as long as you give me credit and link back to the contest. If I catch you hot-linking them or claiming credit, I reserve the right to replace them with something nasty (or poke you in the eye with a pencil).

    Anyway, I know this picture is enormous, but it’s also my favorite and I can’t resist. I’ve got this set as my desktop wallpaper right now.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Here’s the full view so you can see how long their arms/legs/tails are.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

    Joker close-up. Note: I used acrylic paint on his face, so you can’t ever get him wet or it’ll come off.

    Joker Sock Monkey

    Batman close-up. I’m really proud of how his mask turned out.

    Batman Sock Monkey

    Batman interrogates the Joker.

    Batman and Joker Sock Monkeys

  • Bag Swap Package

    Bag Swap Package
    I can’t believe I forgot to post my Bag Swap Package! I received mine from Tricia, and I sent off a package to Amanda in rural Victoria. I spent some time stalking Amanda, and I figured that a practical bag was going to be best for her. I went with Knitty’s Satchel, which is a roomy, felted messenger bag. I knitted the smaller size out of Lincraft Cozy wool and felted it in my washing machine. (I double-felted the handle for extra strength.) In one of her questionnaires, Amanda happened to mention that she really wanted a dog. Well, I thought, I’d stitch her one…

    Satchel Spot the Dog

    I also sent her a book of Sudoku (since she likes doing those), a bar of chocolate, and a box of T-pins. (A lace knitter can never have too many T-pins.) I’m really happy that she liked the package! (More details over on Ravelry if you’re interested.)

  • Sew Tessuti Blog

    Wow! Tessuti is a fancy fabric store down the street from us in Sydney, and we recommend them to people all the time. I just found out they have a blog! It looks great so far…

  • Sock Monkeys at School

    Wow! I just found out that a class of sixth graders will be using my sock monkey tutorial this week as part of a unit on, you guessed it, sock monkeys! Neat. Hello, middle-schoolers!

  • F*** Cancer

    Hooray! Brigita got her care package from me. It takes a lot to get me to cross stitch, you know. The design comes from Subversive Cross Stitch. And how adorable does Miss Violet look? What a cutie!

    F*** Cancer

    F*** Cancer

  • Oscar Contest 2008

    web-goddess Oscar Contest 2008It’s time to start the Sixth Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest, folks! Here’s how it works: Just go the entry form and make your picks for the dozen award categories (and tie-breaker!). Whoever gets the most right wins a fabulous, one-of-a-kind sock monkey creation. After much deliberation, there really was only one choice this year: a Striking Writer Monkey. He’s union and proud, dammit! (And he’ll probably get the Oscar ceremony cancelled anyway.) He’s also kind of a hipster, for some reason. He features hand-knitted Converse All-Stars (which also function as baby booties, if you have a baby) and chunky black glasses (made out of Fimo). He’ll also come with his very own picket sign, as soon as I get some more ink for my printer. (If you want an idea of how big he is, check out this Flickr photo.)

    Striking Writer Monkey

    Knitted All-Stars

    Striking Writer Monkey