Tag: sock monkey

  • Sock Monkeys at School

    Wow! I just found out that a class of sixth graders will be using my sock monkey tutorial this week as part of a unit on, you guessed it, sock monkeys! Neat. Hello, middle-schoolers!

  • Sock Monkey FAQ

    I’ve just added some frequently asked sock monkey questions to address some of the responses I’m getting!

  • Scary Soctopus!

    Dude, this HGTV Soctopus is scary.

  • Soctopus Attacks Oscar, Film at 11

    As you probably read elsewhere, the 2005 Oscar nominations were announced this morning and you all know what that means… The Third Annual web-goddess Oscar Contest has offically launched! This year the first prize is a one-of-a-kind, never-before-seen sock creation: the Soctopus! (Thanks to Christopher for suggesting the concept.) Second and third prizes are the ever-popular mini sock monkeys. Remember, do your research and take as much time as you need before you enter because you can’t go back and change your entry later! But don’t wait too late, because ties can be broken based on who put in their guess first… Good luck everyone!

    Oh, and if you want to see more pictures of Soctopus in action, here are some shots of him attacking the Snook. (Matt used them to create the awesome promo image for the contest this year.) In terms of his construction, he’s a slight cheat since I actually used two pairs of socks. The skinny black tie was a joke reference to the modern tuxedos worn by guys like Brad Pitt, and the hat just seemed like the perfect accessory. Matt thinks it makes him look like a “ska-topus.” I can see that.





  • Oscar Sock Monkeys

    Oscar monkeys

    I’ve finally managed to finish this year’s prize monkeys for the Oscar Contest. Pretty cute, huh? That’s 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place from left to right there. Please be patient, winners. I promise I’ll have them in the mail this weekend!

  • Oscar the Sock Monkey

    My Oscar Contest has officially stopped accepting new entries, so I figured I’d better show you all what you’re playing for. Meet Oscar the Sock Monkey! As you can see he’s all dressed up in black tie and silver sparkles. He’s got googly eyes and a big grin, and he’s even got his own little Academy Award!

    As the response to the contest was about ten times what I was expecting – 144 entries? Who the heck are all you people? – I’m also providing regular sock monkeys for second and third place. The Awards start at 5:30 PM Pacific time Sunday, which means 12:30 PM Monday afternoon here. As I’ll be at work all day at the draconian, no-Internet unnamed printer company, you’ll have to wait til I get home for the results to be tallied. Basically, plan on the winner being named about five hours after the Awards start. Good luck everyone!

  • Sock Monkeys Galore

    Sock monkeys galore!Well, the Walk Against Want was today, and unfortunately yours truly was too sick to take part. I don’t think this amoxycillin is doing the trick. Anyhoo, I still plan on tackling the distance (15 km) on the treadmill as soon as I’m able. To thank my three sponsors, I spent the day crafting sock monkeys for them. Aren’t they cute? They’re actually much better than the first one I made for the Snook (but don’t tell him that).