Check out all the bad mutants! (That’s our new code word for goths, courtesy of X-Men 3.)
Devil’s Day
Hey, I didn’t even realize it was Devil’s Day! So if any of you crazy evangelicals are worried that the world is going to end, you can unclench. It’s been 06/06/06 for nearly eleven hours Down Under and I’m happy to report that all is well. (Except for the annoying Italian in pink Ugg boots who pushed in front of the Snook on the bus this morning and then sat down next to me, stealing his seat. She was clearly a minion of Satan.)
A pigeon flew into the shop this morning and is sitting upstairs above the heating vent. I repeat, A WILD BIRD IS CURRENTLY IN THE SAME BUILDING AS ME. I may have to hyperventilate.
Update: The bird has left the building. Danny has once again come to my rescue as the Trapper of Feral Creatures. Hooray!
Crochet + iPod
Manage your headphone cords with crochet. Neat!
The Secrets of Cream Cheese
Unlocking the Secrets of Cream Cheese. Huh. That’s fascinating. I kinda thought that it was just a normal type of cheese that was, uh, “whipped up.”
Slashdot Facelift
I just noticed that slashdot has finally had a facelift! This is the stuff you miss when you rely on RSS all the time. It’s very Web 2.0.
Cedar Point’s Newest Ride
I was really surprised and disappointed to see that Cedar Point have taken out White Water Landing. That was one of my favorites! I used to love stepping off the stairs onto the big rotating platform and feeling the cognitive dissonance as my brain insisted that the rest of the world was turning, not me. Oh well, at least Snookums got to ride it on our last trip. I get that giant-ass coasters bring in the bucks, but I wish they’d keep some of the stuff I loved as a kid. I miss Kid Arthur’s Court; I miss the Dolphin show; I miss the Schwabinchen; I miss having the Giant Wheel smack dab in the middle of the park instead of smooshed over to one side. Maybe I’m just getting old.
City 2 Surf
The official City 2 Surf website is up! I’ve just printed out the training guide. Unfortunately I think the Snook and I fall somewhere between the two options (“Fun Runners” and “Competitive”). The easier plan doesn’t look that different from what we already do! I guess maybe we’ll stick with that one, but add in some interval training every now and then.
Well, that was disappointing. We walked over to the “Entertainment Quarter” (aka Fox Studios) today to check out the Farmer’s Market and the big Crocs Warehouse Sale. The Market was good; we got apples, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and a loaf of sourdough. The Crocs Sale… sucked. I got all excited at first by the “Everything $20” sign and started planning which colours I was going to get. I was even happier when I saw boxes of the closed-toe style, which I’d like to get for winter. But guess what? They were all kids’ sizes. The only adult size shoes they had were the flip-flops. Thongs. Not what I was looking for. Oh well. At least we had a nice long walk on a very blustery day!
Whispers from a Cinema
Actual Whispers Between the Snook and I During X-Men: The Last Stand:
- “They CGIed all their wrinkles out!”
- “That’s called a ‘Fastball Special.'” *fangirl smugness*
- “How did Anna Paquin gain ten pounds ALL ON HER NOSE?? She’s not pretty here.”
- “This is the only time Cyclops has ever looked hot to me.”
- “How did she kill him? Dude, vagina dentata!”
- “Evil has pretty, pretty hair.”
- “Does he have an ADAMANTIUM PEEPEE?!”
- “Why are all the bad mutants goths?”
- “This movie is really all about the gayness.”
- “Why move the frickin’ bridge? Why not a plane or a boat? And how could that crappy plastic prison have ever contained somebody who can move a goddamn bridge?”
- “What does Beast do besides be furry? Ohhhh….”
- “I thought he could manipulate the temperature of water. I didn’t think he could SHOOT SNOW.”
- “Oh, he saved his Dad. How special.”
- “Riiight. His whole outfit gets ripped to shreds EXCEPT FOR HIS PANTS. Whatever.”
And that was pretty much it. In our defense, we were way in the front at a mostly empty theater with sound turned up to deafening levels. I’d give it a 6.5 out of 10. Parts of it were entertaining, but other bits – most notably Dark Phoenix – were earth-shatteringly boring. Literally. I liked Beast, especially when he was fighting, and I liked that they made Xavier more morally ambiguous. I found Magneto really sad at the end. And hey, where was Jubilee? I saw her listed in the credits but I must have missed that cameo.