DietBlog: It’s a damn small world

My brain is still reeling. At Weight Watchers tonight I met Ken, the husband of our new leader Barbara. He was filling in as weigher. While chatting I found out that he’s actually an American… from Indiana… from Goshen… and grew up three doors down from where my Dad lives now. I nearly fell over. HOW RANDOM IS THAT? I feel like I’m going to discover the Infinite Improbability Drive in the bottom of my sock drawer or something. Next week I fully expect Ken to tell me we’re related. It’s just too, too weird.

Anyway, all Twilight Zone-ishness aside, I have an important announcement to make: I am not fat anymore. Did everybody hear that? I AM OFFICIALLY NOT OVERWEIGHT. I lost another 900g to bring me down to 78.5, which gives me a BMI of 24.8 – and that is just this side of normal. Normal! I really don’t think I’m processing this at the moment. I turn 29 years old tomorrow… and I’m not overweight. Those facts just can’t be right, can they?

Paralyzed with Horror

Oh no. I just discovered that Television Without Pity has posted a recap of my most horrific childhood memory, also known as “that episode of Little House where Ma gets an infection and almost amputates her own leg.” I watched it once when I was, like, 8, and it has haunted my nightmares ever since. I’m not kidding. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to read past the first page of the recap. And I wasn’t even a regular Little House viewer!


moblogged imageSunrise
Well, there we are… (minus Miss Fee, of course, who is taking the picture). As soon as we arrived this morning they told us that they weren’t going to be able to chat with us after all, due to time constraints. Getting bumped is now the story of my media career! (I suppose it’s to be expected given that my appearances usually fall under the category of “human interest” stories, aka “filler.”) So they stuck us in the same little room where we knitted with Nuala and cut back to us several times throughout the show. Apparently Mel and Kochie were arguing with the producers the whole time about coming up to see us, and eventually the “talent” won out. I got to sit next to Kochie! He really is a giant. (And no, he didn’t tell me about his Wednesday night adventures, Robert.) And that’s basically it. Oh, but that bit where they were marveling at the person knitting the “tube”? That was me, working on the Snook’s next sweater. So it ended up being pretty boring in the end, but we’ll see if we can’t get some video up for those of you who missed it…

Update: The Snook just sent me an awesome screengrab. I actually look really good! It’s so weird; that’s not what I thought I looked like at all. I’d only glanced at the monitor and I think my brain filled in the details with my old self-image. That’s AWESOME. And man, I should get a commission for advertising those Crocs!

More Media Whoring!

The Kris Howard Media Onslaught Continues
We just got a call from Channel 7, and apparently they need someone to go on Sunrise tomorrow to teach the anchor Mel how to knit. Guess who got the job? I hope I’m skinny enough for the morning show! (If any other Sydneysiders are interested in joining me, they need more people knitting in the background. Of course, you’d have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn…)