Interesting… This article doesn’t mention Notre Dame directly, but friends on campus tell me that their Napster access seems to have been finally cut off. The RIAA sucks.
Check out The Lycos 50 – Notre Dame is the second-most popular college football team (in terms of search engine queries). Who’s #1? Penn State. Too bad we have a better record than them. 🙂
Dennis Miller
Encyclopedias can be funny! I know not everybody likes football, but this article explaining Dennis Miller’s references really cracked me up. (Link courtesy of Fresh Hell.)
Back to School
I miss that “Back to School” part of the year. The funny (and pathetic) part of this list from the Onion is that I remember fervently begging for (and then subsequently coveting) a shiny new Trapper Keeper every year of elementary school. And within three months I’d have drawn all over it and picked holes in the plastic.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m lovin’ the new Observer comics. They’re not quite up to “4 Food Groups” yet, but they’re not bad either. (Sidenote: Am I to understand from the first one that those annoying scooters have made their way to campus? Ugh. I saw a hilarious sign in London recently that read “Warning: riding mini-scooters makes you look like a twat. Especially when you’re wearing ridiculous 3/4 length trousers.” Gotta love the Brits.)
The Nebraska Game
Okay, can we achieve a consensus on whether the Nebraska game is going to be bigger than the Michigan game? Judging by this article, it looks like Nebraska all the way. Oh well… at least I got to experience VICTORY in the Michigan game. *sniff*
This is my first post to the brand new Weasel Weblog! This is where I hope to catalogue items of interest to Weasel alumnae everywhere. Oh, and Kel’s gonna help too. *grin*