• Knitty surprise

    The Fall Knitty Surprise is up, and it’s a whole mini-issue devoted to breast cancer awareness! Very nice patterns, too.

  • New word

    New word! I am definitely an infracaninophile. (Link courtesy of Casey.)

  • Catkins Diet

    Even though I’ve pretty much given up on the diet right now (she says while munching Golden Grahams), the Snook and I still are having endless fun threatening to put Dr. Amy Jones on the Catkins Diet. It makes us laugh. In reality, she eats mostly dry food with the occasional supplement of Fancy Feast, a raw chicken wing, or if she’s really good, a bit of fat from a chicken breast. She loves that. (Link courtesy of miftik.)

  • The greatest care package EVER.

    The greatest care package EVERThe Greatest Care Package EVER.
    Friday was randomly super-duper busy at work and I was just having a complete crapper of an afternoon. All my customers were rude and stupid and irritating. I was hanging on to the last shred of patience when Losh walked by and announced that I had a package. “Another package for me?” It was, at long last, the mythical Little Debbie Care Package from my cousin Jenny. And just like that, my day turned around. Is this not the best box you’ve ever seen? Boston Creme Pies, Fudge Rounds, Star Crunch, Zebra Cakes, Oatmeal Creme Pies, Swiss Cake Rolls, and two boes of Nutty Bars (my favorite)! Not to mention Golden Grahams, Bisquik, and 500 tablets of ibuprofen. My co-workers couldn’t decide what was more amazing: that I actually wanted this crap; that judging by the price stickers, the whole lot cost about $20; or that Jenny actually spent $70 to ship it airmail. All I can say is thank you. You probably saved more than one life that afternoon. And now I must go eat another Nutty Bar. (Don’t bother asking me about the diet. It’s officially shot.)

  • Say what?

    This is one of the looniest analyses of Donnie Darko I’ve read. The author somehow argues that really the whole thing is about Donnie’s repressed sexual urges towards his sister. Say what?

  • Massive brain cell loss…

    Jesus. The Snook and I just spent two hours watching Rat Race on television, and I can say without a doubt that it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my life. Please don’t think we’re idiots; we realized this about five minutes in. We went from “Hey, I’ve heard of this, and isn’t Seth Green in it?” to “Oh my god, that’s the worst animatronic cow I’ve ever seen EVER!” pretty damn quickly. And yet, for some reason we didn’t change the channel. It was like we somehow needed to see just how bad it could be. And those are two hours that we will never, ever get back. (Additionally: My sincerest apologies to Sarah Michelle Gellar, who I’d previously labelled as the biggest Buffy sellout of the bunch. I know now that Mr. Green is the true holder of that title. I mean, come on, Oz? Hanging off a hot air balloon and squirting another guy in the face with a cow udder? For shame, Seth Green. For shame…)

  • Especially Bad Passwords

    Especially Bad Passwords. Yowch. How many of yours are on the list? One of the fairly regular ones I use is smack dab in the middle. Guess it’s time to think up some new ones, huh?

  • FYI

    For the sake of any future Googlers: If you use Firewire Target Disk Mode to transfer everything from your iBook to your iMac, you may inadvertently transfer over the setting that displays your battery status. As an iMac has no battery, you will thus be unable to make the stupid indicator disappear. After much googling to no avail, Snookums helped me search through my preferences and find the relevant line in the “com.apple.systemuiserver.plist” file. Just delete that, logout, and when you login again the indicator will be gone!

  • She’s here!

    Boudicca IIBoudicca II is finally here!
    I got the e-mail last night that she was finally being shipped but I didn’t have a clue how long it would take. Then this afternoon Albert came by and said she’d arrived at the shop. I literally jumped up and down and squealed. Like a freak. In front of the customers. But I don’t care. Now I’m just waiting for Snookums to get home so we can open the boxes together and marvel at Apple’s sexy packaging. I guess I should clear off my desk, huh? I’ll probably be listing some of my excess Apple junk on eBay after tonight. Anybody want a copy of iLife or OS X 10.3?

  • Red Sox win the pennant!

    The Red Sox win the pennant! Oh, man! What a fantastic series. I’m not even a huge Sox fan – any team that employed Roger Clemens will be forever tainted in my books – but you gotta love an underdog, especially one that beats the odious Yankees. And good grief, when did Boston last win the World Series? It’s been, like, a century, hasn’t it?


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!