Oh cute! Apparently Meaghan Leahy, a senior on our women’s basketball team, finally got to play on the same court as her younger sister Maureen, a freshman at Boston College. I got a kick out of reading how their parents tried to appease both groups of fans during the game.

For some reason, I became obsessed with making some minor design changes here at web-goddess. The navigation is now more prominent, and the site’s a bit wider as well. (I figure I’m already too wide for 640×480 people, so I might as well utilize the space the 800×600 ones have.) I’ve also included some (hopefully) helpful explanations and links on each page in the yellow box. Whaddaya think?

I have been unable to resist the fun of joining in with Brigita and Max to find out my pokéname. Apparently I am “Pikarider” and I live in the icy glaciers of Nunavut. My diet consists mostly of meatballs, fruits and kerosene. I have a fear of tahini and kippers. (They got that right.) I also have gossamer wings (Awww, pretty!) and the ability to resist sledgehammers. In combat situations, I can swim in lava and shoot fire. Sounds like I pretty much kick ass.

Ooh, geeky Star Wars fun. It’s an Ask the Emperor Magic 8-Ball type thing. I asked him whether I should take my lunch hour now, and he said, “I find your lack of faith disturbing.” I’m still trying to interpret that one.

I didn’t like Plastic.com when it first came out, but it’s grown on me. In fact, I think I’m a full-fledged karma whore now. I’ve posted, like, 8 times in the last hour. I think it has to do with the fact that I’ve been lurking on Slashdot forever and longing to participate, but I was worried that I didn’t have the technical knowledge to add anything to the discussions. But pop culture? That’s totally my bag, baby!