• Hank’s blog

    Hmm. Looks like the Snook’s buddy Hank has a weblog of his own! I am especially thrilled to add him to my list of daily reads because I didn’t have any other “H” site. Now I lack only Q, X, and Y out of the whole alphabet. Any good suggestions?

  • Rant mode: On!

    I’m ranting about governmental and societal pressure to reproduce over at The Zero Boss. I didn’t realize it was something I felt so strongly about!

  • Tell me something I don’t know.

    Bono admits that many U2 song lyrics are trite and “banal.” No duh.

  • Zaftig!

    Woohoo! New Knitty pattern for the, uh, zaftig girls. I might have to make that.

  • I Love the O.C.

    Me: Why haven’t Ryan and Marissa kissed yet? Jeez, it took, like, four years on the Creek for Pacey and Joey to get together!
    Snookums: Yeah, but this is a sexy show. It runs at, like, quadruple speed.

    Sure enough, there they are hookin’ up on a Ferris Wheel in the next preview! Man, I love this show. There really is no better way to relax from a crap day than a couple glasses of red wine, reheated curry, and yet another premiere episode of The O.C. I can’t wait for next episode when they all go back to school and Seth hooks up with that Jennifer Tilley-lookin’ chick.

  • Spring Cleaning begins…

    Spring Cleaning begins…
    I did such a grown-up thing today: I had the carpet steam-cleaned! Our carpet has been filthy ever since we moved in and I finally decided to do something about it. Last week I noticed there was a coupon on the back of the grocery receipt to have four rooms cleaned for $80, so I called ’em up and made an appointment. The only pain was picking up, like, everything in the house that was on the floor and then moving it out of the way. Anyway, the guy came today and what an improvement! Suddenly I’m energized for all our upcoming spring tasks. Snookums has grand plans for the garden this year and even set up a proper compost box yesterday. The sun is shining and everything seems possible…

  • Ewww.

    Ebert really likes Brittany Murphy. I mean, really. The pedestal has come crashing down to earth.

  • Sponsor Katie in the marathon!

    Done any good deeds lately?
    Remember how my sister ran the Honolulu Marathon last year? It turns out that Katie Krawcyzk, a good friend of my cousin Jenny (who you’ll recognize as a frequent commenter here), is running it this year to raise money for AIDS services. She’s got another reason though: she’s doing it to get her Dad to quit smoking. I really liked this bit from her training page:

    I have chosen to run a marathon to show him that overcoming most of life’s hardest battles (such as quitting smoking) is an issue of determination and mind over matter – you can achieve anything, no matter how much you may resist, or how much you struggle to get through it. Even if you never wanted to do such a feat for yourself in the first place, you do it for those you love because they want you to, and they need you to; you do it to make yourself healthy so you can make the most of the one life you’re given. Through this marathon, we raise money for those living with AIDS in order to prolong their lives as much as possible until we find a cure. For me, I am not only hoping to help save their lives, but I’m also hoping to save one more.

    That’s awesome. Please consider donating a few bucks if you have any to spare. (And Dad, are you listening? Say the word and I’ll start training.)

  • What it feels like for a girl

    What it feels like for a girl…
    I just spent, like, twenty minutes reading this excellent MetaFilter thread about women and their fears (both rational and irrational) about being in the public space. I don’t think a lot of guys understand what it’s like to be objectified to the point where it’s easier to assume every stranger is an attacker and behave accordingly. I mean, look, I’m no Paris Hilton or anything, yet I’ve been groped and catcalled and frottaged enough to be seriously wary of any guy I don’t know. It sucks but it’s the truth.

  • Dawn Fraser

    We were watching telly tonight and a preview came on for an upcoming interview with Dawn Fraser. “Why do I know that name?” I asked. “She was a famous Australian Olympic swimmer,” Snookums replied. “She set a bunch of records in the sixties but then got banned for some incident about a flag.” Huh? A flag incident? He did some Googling to dig up the details for me. Turns out it really happened! She and some mates basically got drunk after the closing ceremony at the Tokyo ’64 Games and tried to steal a flag from the Imperial Hotel. Just another example of the Australian penchant for celebrating larrikins. On a related note, I can’t wait for the Games to start so Roy and HG will return to our screens. I really should tape it so you Yanks can see what you’re missing.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!