I enjoyed Gina Arnold’s Salon article about “Badass girls on film”, but I thought that the comment about “latent lesbianism” on Buffy showed her ignorance a bit. There’s actually explicit lesbianism in the show in the form of Willow, but she was never the ass-kicker that the article describes. Arnold wants to claim that by labelling tough girls like Xena and Gabrielle “dykes”, it makes their feats seem less threatening to men. But she includes Buffy in that group, who (while SMG might well be attractive to women) has always been 100% boy crazy. In fact, I think Buffy (the character) is so popular because she’s this tiny little heterosexual waif that defies convention and kicks ass. Willow’s relationship with Tara is completely different, though, and neither of them look anything like the stereotypical “dyke” that Arnold presents. It’s like she read an article somewhere linking “Buffy” and “lesbian” and just threw that little comment in without bothering to check with anyone who actually watches the show.

Sorry about the lack of updates. An old friend was in town, and (as expected) my sniffles finally developed into a full-blown cold. All in all it was not a weekend conducive to blogging… I’ll make up for it today. 🙂

I applaud Miramax for trying something new, but I don’t really think they’re giving the “movies-over-the-Internet” thing a fair trial. I mean, Guinevere???. I don’t even wanna think about Sarah Polley gettin’ it on with Stephen Rea, let alone spend half an hour downloading 500MB of it to my computer. Yuck.

The only thing worse than finding out that a good friend is a closet Republican, is finding out that an ex-boyfriend is a closet Republican. Excuse me, I’m off to get some mouthwash…

R.E.M. Score! My excellent sister (who’s in the process of setting up her own website) jumped on Napster for me and managed to find both of the new songs R.E.M. performed in Rio! They’re called “She Just Wants to Be” and “The Lifting”. I like them both… They sound more New Adventures than Up to me. Lots of guitar and slightly more conventional song structure. If you liked what the band did for Man on the Moon, I think this sounds like the natural progression from that. (There’s clearly a real drummer playing along. I wonder who they drafted for that?)