Why I Love the Snook
- He secretly cleaned up all the wires and cords around the TV because he knows they drive me crazy.
- He happily ate lentil casserole with me for dinner tonight and only mentioned it being “hippie food” once.
- He calmed me down after an intense anxiety attack tonight when I realized that by this time next week, I’ll be earning half as much as I do now and working about ten times as hard for it. (What was I thinking?!)
Oh yeah, and that makes five full days of vegetarianism for me! My longest stint ever. Although I have to confess, four different people at work have told me I look pale over the last couple days. I need some red meat! Other than that the detox is okay. I haven’t made it to the gym since the aborted race last weekend, mostly because every night when I get home my stomach starts churning and I’m afraid to venture too far from the bathroom. But the dizziness of days 3-4 has passed and I’m feeling pretty energetic. Maybe tomorrow then…
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