So have I mentioned that I’m completely obsessed with this Pepsi Win an iPod competition? (Shut up. I know, I’ve already got an iPod. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want another one, especially if it’s newer and cooler and free!) The idea is that you SMS your name and the code from the back of the bottle wrapper, and every hour they have a drawing from all the entries received in that hour and the winner gets a new 15GB iPod! And they’re doing this every hour for six weeks! I’m like, “How many people are there in Australia anyway?! And how many will play as hardcore as me?! None! I’m a shoo-in!” Now of course normally I’m a loyal Diet Coke drinker, but I figured I might as well switch it up for the duration of the contest. (Just call me Violet Beauregarde.) Thus I find myself slogging away through my sixth bottle of “Pepsi Light” – which, by the way, sucks ass. But like I said, I’m now obsessed with this contest. I’ve actually had in-depth mathematical discussions with the Snook about ways to increase my probability of winning. (For instance, if you’ve got two codes, do you send them in during the same hour or separate? We decided “separate”, but it’s a long explanation…) Last night I actually set the alarm clock and sent one in at 2:30 a.m., and then another at 5:30 when Amy woke me up. (The theory being, of course, that most people aren’t hardcore enough to send them in the dead of night.) Then I went back to sleep and had crazed dreams that I had actually won, and I was telling everybody, and I was the coolest kid in school (because for some reason I was in high school in the dream), and it was the greatest thing ever, and I was so disappointed when I woke up and discovered that I was a big fat loser that I went right back out and bought some more Pepsi Light so I could try again.
Maybe I need to lay off the caffeine.
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