I’ve been thinking about cohabitation, and how my sister is thinking about moving in with her fiancé before they get married. I remember that she once told me that the real test of a relationship is being able to admit you poo. If you can discuss your bowels with a person, you know they’re a keeper. (That’s her theory, anyway.) Well, I think I’ve discovered another test: the application of panty hose. Guys see girls in stockings and think only of the sexy end result. They have no idea what kinds of calisthenics are necessary for the average woman to squeeze her thighs into those torture devices. Not only are they extremely slippery, they’re also fragile and expensive so you’re constantly worrying that you’re going to tear the damn things. All mystery is removed. If a guy can watch you spend ten minutes struggling with an undergarment and still tell you you look great afterwards (as the Snook did with me), you might as well get married.
Any other tests you can think of? I know for a lot of girls it’s letting the guy see them without any make-up (not a problem in my case). Informing a guy of your menstrual cycle can also be a pretty big step. In junior high I couldn’t even eat in front of a boy that I liked. (Again, not an issue nowadays.) What have been your big relationship milestones?
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