• Kill Bill

    The Snook and I finally got around to seeing Kill Bill Vol. I tonight, and I frickin’ loved it. Snookums… not so much. I’m definitely seeing Volume II though, even if I have to go without him.

    On a related note, Ebert liked Van Helsing! Sometimes he’s weird like that.

  • Depressingly grown-up

    In the space of a single week, the Snook and I have signed up for a health fund and purchased a salad spinner. We are depressingly grown-up.

  • The ultimate time suck

    The Ultimate Time Suck: You know why I haven’t been blogging much this week? SeinfeldScripts.com. I’m reading through them alphabetically. (I’m up to “F”.) They’re the best. The best, Jerry!

  • Daniel-san shower costume

    I was giggling over this great Karate Kid Shower Costume for quite a while before I realized that the creator is a fellow Domer. Huh. Small world.

  • The Lock Cup

    The Lock Cup just reminded me of my treasured Prince William coffee mug, which was stolen from my desk at Netdecisions two years ago and eventually turned up faded and ruined in the dish washer. Never let your prized coffee cups out of your sight! (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Tales from the Physiotherapist

    Tales From the Physiotherapist
    Her: “Just lie down here on the table on your front… Hmm.
    Me: “Hmm?”
    Her: “Wow, one of your buttocks is noticeably larger than the other!”
    Me: “WHAT??
    Her: “Yes, your right buttock is clearly more developed than the left. I’ve never really seen it to that degree before.”
    Me: *speechless*
    Her: “Here, put your hands around on your buttocks… There, can’t you tell the difference?”
    Me: “Would you stop saying ‘buttocks’? They’re not… Oh. My. God. My ass is lopsided!”

    I must ask that you now all refrain from looking at me from behind, as I am a misshapen troll. Happy friggin’ Cinco de Mayo.

  • Theme switcher

    I had a request to make my old themes available so I’ve just added a “theme switcher” to the upper-right corner of the home page. All my previous designs (within this look-and-feel) are there. Selecting one should set a cookie that persists across the site. Let me know if you have any problems with it!

  • I got new glasses.

    I got new glasses.
    I was at the optometrist last week to get new contacts when I suddenly realized that I’ve been wearing the same pair of glasses for over five years. I also made the stunning realization that I’ve never owned a pair of glasses that my Mother didn’t pick out for me. “Self,” I said, “it’s time to remedy this.” So I picked out some new glasses. You’re all going to hate them; Snookums did at first. They’re a little bit retro, a little bit funky, a little bit Clark Kent. Look, I have bad eyes and my lenses are thick. There’s no point in sticking with wire frames as if I’m going to disguise the fact that I’m wearing specs. I’d rather have a fashionable – yet “out there” – pair that I’m not ashamed to wear outside the house. So…New glassesWhaddaya think? I know; it’s a big change. When I look in the mirror I get the same sort of feeling of unfamiliarity that I had when the Snook shaved off his beard. I’m also fighting through that “new glasses = tons of nausea” effect that I’d forgotten about, so that may explain my wonky expression. But I like ’em. (Don’t worry, Sis; I’ll wear my contacts for the wedding.)

  • Girl with a Pearl Earring

    I finally got around to seeing Girl with a Pearl Earring tonight with Kathleen and a friend. I wasn’t sure what to expect. On one hand, Ebert loved it and I love me some Colin Firth. On the other hand, Scarlett Johansson has been annoying the crap out of me lately. Luckily my Mr. Darcy fixation won out. It’s a wonderful film. Slow, yes, but not boring and not overly melodramatic. Tom Wilkinson made a wonderful villain in his few scenes. The cinematography was lovely; every shot looked like a painting. Scarlett completely made me forget how vapid and shallow she is in real life. I highly recommend it if you’re in the mood for something a little different.

    Random Fates Intersecting: I was reading Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything just last night and came to a footnote about Vermeer in the chapter about microscopes. Bryson mentions that some art historians believe Vermeer “cheated” by using a camera obscura provided by his friend Anton van Leeuwenhoek. It’s a bit of a conspiracy theory, though, so I didn’t expect it to be mentioned in the film. But there it was! Some guys bring in a big wooden box and Vermeer shows Griet how it works. It wasn’t integral to the story or anything – and he only admitted that it “helped” with the paintings – but I was still surprised that they worked it in.

  • Training Update

    Training Update
    Last night I had a session with a new personal trainer, Andy. He’d been recommended to me by a friend at the gym as somebody who specialized in running. I have to say, he was a bit of a spunk. (For the Yanks, that means he was a hottie.) Thick as two planks, though. (He was dumb.) He asked how long I had til the race, to which I answered 48 days. He was like, “So that’s, what, four weeks?” Me: “Try closer to seven.” But he was pretty.

    So anyway, Andy thinks that I should aim to be running 12K two weeks before the race. (This is slightly counter to other things I’ve read. Hmmm.) Then I just rest and do light training until the big event. He did recognize that my biggest problem is going to be maintaining the mental concentration to run for 70+ minutes. The program he gave me is four days a week: one day of indoor cardio for the full length of time I’d be running the race (i.e. treadmill for 40 minutes, cross-trainer for 30), one day of general weight training, one day of running the whole distance outside, and one day of light weights followed by a yoga class. I think eventually I’m supposed to work in another day of running too, but I can’t even think about that at the moment.

    The yoga is to strengthen my lower back, which has been giving me progressively more pain. He thinks I may have something out of alignment, which is why I’m booked in to see a physiotherapist tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear the medical equivalent of “You run funny.” I started the program last night with 40 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the cross-trainer. My legs feel like jelly today and I somehow pulled a muscle in my shoulder. (I can only imagine how funny I must look running if I’m flopping about so badly as to constantly injure myself.) But I’m on my way!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!

  2. Ooh, lovely. I bought the script and read it, but it would have been amazing to see live!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!