I am not the only one that takes issue with inappropriate strollers.
so funny hhh
Last night Snookums and I went out to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with a friend. I don’t mean to sound like a wanker or anything, but I’m not sure I can say anything meaningful about it right now. It’s just too close. I really, really liked it. I found myself fighting back tears about halfway through. I absolutely loved the ending (though the idealistic part of me wanted it to end as soon as Joel woke up that last time, not wanting to see the messy yet realistic and ultimately uplifting ending). I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank (*eye roll*) the Snook for giggling and squeezing my hand when Joel said, “Constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating.” Har har. He also thought it was pretty funny to lose me in the bathroom crowd afterwards so I’d get all weirded out. (And I did just have my hair dyed a funky color…)
Knitting Update
Thanks to the extra wool my Mom sent out from the States, my Janetta Dexter Sampler Sweater is coming along nicely. Today I managed to finish the body completely and add the collar. Here I am modelling it so far. (I had to actually add in a few more designs than the original pattern called for, because mine was knitting up so short. I’ll probably have to do that on the sleeves too.)
Note: You might notice a slight reddish tinge to my hair in that middle photo. That is not a mistake. I had my hair done yesterday and I specifically told my hairdresser to make me look like a rockstar. I’m still all blonde on the top and sides but he cut in big chunks of bright red throughout the back. It looks super cool. You won’t see it until I master the art of blow-drying though. Yes, I’m truly, truly, truly outrageous!
Another note: You might also notice that I look like a fat cow in these photos. You wouldn’t be wrong there. That’s what three weeks of no gym and too many fried-foods-on-a-stick will do to you! But I’m happy to report that I’m back on my fitness regimen and I actually went for a run OUTSIDE this afternoon. I’ve only got two months til the Nike Women’s Classic so I better get training!
How to create a Hello Kitty bong. That cracks me up. And hey, there just happens to be a Sanrio store in Chatswood… I bet these things would sell like mad at Glebe Markets.
I love it when Ebert gets all political. Now he’s defending Howard Stern and castigating Rush Limbaugh. Marry me, Roger!
The waiting is finally over…
Dear Ms Howard
I am writing to you about your application for a permanent Partner (Residence) visa . . . I am pleased to advise that the following persons were granted a permanent visa on 13 April 2004: Kristine Michelle Howard . . .
It took two and a half years, but I am now a fully-fledged permanent resident of Australia! Thanks to everyone who helped us out, especially Ma Snook, Steve, and Major (who all made statutory declarations that our relationship was legit). Residency basically gives me all the same rights as citizens (with the exception of voting). I can finally get a credit card, and if I want to go back to university I’ll be able to get government aid. I can even collect unemployment! When I IMed the Snook to let him know, his first response was: “Does that mean you’re going to leave me?” Silly boy. As if I’d go through all this just for a green card. 🙂
“Its the time again where your stomach yearn for the delicious YUM CHA.” I received an invitation earlier this week to join an underground Yum Cha club at my office. I told Gilbert the organizer that I’d had it once before but hadn’t really liked it. He told me that the key to a good yum cha experience was having somebody there that knew how to order. He wasn’t wrong. I went along at lunch today and loved everything he had them put before me. Pork buns, broiled eggplant with prawn, steamed choi, spring rolls, dim sum, everything. Sooo good. And now I’m stuffed.
War Bowls. Oh my god, those are cool! Bowls made out of melted plastic army men, knights, and ninjas. I wonder how they make them… For some reason I imagine the melting army men would give off toxic gasses.
Bookmark for later: Online practice test for Australian driver’s license.
I just found some interesting information on tortoiseshell and calico cats. Did you know that if you clone a multi-coloured cat (like ours), it’s impossible for the offspring to be multi-coloured too? That blows my mind.
My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.
No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.
so funny hhh
Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!
Ooh, lovely. I bought the script and read it, but it would have been amazing to see live!
Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!
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