• Poll: Cadbury Creme Eggs

    New Poll: In honor of the disgusting Easter treat I just polished off, what’s your opinion on the ubiquitous Cadbury Creme Egg? Some folks love ’em. Personally I think they’re gross. (Yeah, yeah, I still ate one, but only because a co-worker gave it to me.)

  • Philip Pullman vs. the Archbishop of Canterbury

    The mind boggles. Not only did the Archbishop of Canterbury give the Royal National Theater’s production of His Dark Materials a glowing review, but he and Philip Pullman then met to discuss religion, art, and education and take questions from the audience. I had no idea modern Anglicanism was so progressive…

  • Azkaban scarves are different

    Crud. I just discovered that they’re changing the Hogwarts scarf design for the Prisoner of Azkaban film! (You can see pictures here.) I guess that means I’ll need to revise the pattern I use…

  • Jamie Oliver’s Blog

    Huh. Jamie Oliver has a weblog. I haven’t been through all the archives but I really like the section where gives cooking tips and answers questions.

  • My dumb cat.

    We got Amy one of these Treat Ball things. Basically it’s a plastic ball that you fill up with cat food and it’s got a little hole so that when she rolls it around, a few bits of food fall out. It’s supposed to be fun for them. The only problem is that she just doesn’t get it. She stares at it and sniffs it, and she eats the food that falls out when I roll it, but she hasn’t made the intuitive leap yet that rolling = food. I feel like my Dad must’ve felt upon presenting three-year-old me with a really fly tricycle, only to discover that I was too dumb to ride it.

  • Friday Five

    Friday Five:

    1. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?
    I’d probably run something like a steakhouse, where you’d get lots of really good homestyle food. I’m thinking burgers, sandwiches, mac-and-cheese, big slabs of meat, the whole works. Basically the kind of stuff I like to eat. The Snook would concoct appropriate homebrews to go with everything.

    2. If you owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?
    My own crafty things, of course! Plus wool and paints and buttons and glue and everything you need to make beautiful fun things. Oh, except for that scrapbooking crap. I hate that.

    3. If you wrote a book, what genre would it be?
    Probably a “humorous” memoir. Actually I’d just cheat and bind together a load of posts from this site. I’m lazy and my writerly aspirations pretty much died in grade school.

    4. If you ran a school, what would you teach?
    Knitting! Incidentally, I’m meeting with the Tapestry Craft folks later this week to discuss teaching a class for them this winter. Beyond that, I’d probably want to teach something in the English/Drama/Speech area. Those were always my favorites in school. Or some kind of “Pop Culture Appreciation” course. That would be fun.

    5. If you recorded an album, what kind of music would be on it?
    Mid-90’s riot grrrl alterna-pop a la Belly, Juliana Hatfield, or the Breeders. I’m just waiting for the grunge revival!

  • The Cult of Diet Coke

    The Cult of Diet Coke. I myself am a hopeless addict. I actually paid $2.70 for a friggin’ 600mL bottle the other day because I needed the fix and that damn price-gouging gas station was the only supplier in the area. It infuriates me, especially since Coles always has the two-liter bottles on sale for, like, $1.75. But society deems it not “cool” to lug around two liters of your favorite soda, so I must pay for the “convenience” of having a smaller bottle. Such is the pain of the Diet Coke addict. (Link courtesy of not martha.)

  • Ick.

    Damn, you know what’s difficult? Wiping a cat’s ass. I’m starting to see the wisdom of owning a pet before you reproduce. You need to get acclimatized to all the disgusting stuff that goes along with caring for another lifeform.

  • Blog survey results

    Blog Survey: Expectations of Privacy and Accountability. I wondered why I hadn’t heard about this until I saw the dates and realized I was up at Camp Creative around then. Anyway, nothing too startling in those results. I was surprised to see the male-female ratio though. Somehow I thought there were more girls doing this blogging thing. I wonder if the percentages would have changed if “journalers” had been included as well…

  • Holy crap!

    Holy crap! My Dad just e-mailed to let me know that someone is currently shooting a movie in Goshen, Indiana. He said he heard it stars Liv Tyler, and his wife Cindy ran into “that guy from ConAir” at a coffee shop. A little research by me… and Boom! Steve Buscemi is filming a movie with Liv Tyler in my hometown! Isn’t that cool? Apparently they’re using a couple other Indiana locations too.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!