Cat Scratch Fever
Amy’s officially been with us for a week now so we’re tentatively giving her the run of the house. (She’s been spending nights and workdays in our big guest bathroom.) Last night we left the door open so she could sleep wherever she wanted. She spent some time curled up beside me on the bed but in the morning she got antsy and started clawing the blankets, so I locked her out. She didn’t like that. She hasn’t gotten into any trouble though, and she hasn’t pulled any bookcases down on herself. We may try leaving her out tomorrow during the day.
Oh, and did I mention the scratches? Because I’m covered in them. I made the mistake of pulling on shorts yesterday morning and I regretted it the first time she tried to jump in my lap. Not good. Everyone in the gym’s going to think I’m a battered housewife or something. We headed to the pet store this morning for some nail clippers and a brush, so hopefully we’ll do some much needed grooming today. The Snook also has plans to make her another scratching post, hopefully an ultra-mega tall one that she can really stretch out on. We were going to buy one but they’re expensive! It’ll be cheaper to nail a piece of wood to a board and then buy a premade cover to slip over it.
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