• Mini Sydney Blogger Meet-Up

    We had a mini Sydney blogger meetup tonight as the Snook and I met Andrew and Kathleen out at a Surry Hills pub. (Andrew, you’ll recall, is the bloke that recognized me on the bus a few weeks ago.) A good time was had by all. It’s just a little weird to meet people that you know “on paper” but have never really spoken to…

  • Billy Corgan is a blogger.

    Wow. Billy Corgan is a blogger. I knew the Pumpkins were from Chicago but I didn’t realize he was that big of a Cubs fan. (Link courtesy of Tricia.)

  • Not a single damn upset.

    Shocking, isn’t it? But good on Peter Jackson and the LOTR crew for cleaning up. We ended up with a 13-way tie for first place consisting of: Adanma Onyedike, Carol LuBien, Carrie Murphy, Christen, Colin Bunnell, Denise, Emily, julie, Mark Schoppe, Mary Jo Brown, Mike, Pat, and Tim Reid. The tiebreaker, you’ll remember, consisted of guessing how many dead people would feature in the annual obituary tribute reel. The total was 30, which means that with a guess of 31, the winner is…

    *drum roll*

    Christen! I don’t actually know him/her, but a sock monkey will soon be heading off to his new owner.

    In second and third places were two people that guessed the same number (25), thus the double-tie was broken on the basis of who entered earlier. Therefore in second place is Mark Schoppe, and in third place is Carol LuBien. (Carrie Murphy missed out on third by a mere hour!)

    And lastly, with the wooden spoon, is poor ramanan, who got zero correct. Better luck next year!

  • Cat Protection Society

    The Cat Protection Society of NSW. That’s probably where we’ll get our kitty from. It sounds like a great organization. You can even see pictures of cats they have to adopt (Snookums likes “Soxy”) but that was back in December, so I bet those are all gone by now.

  • Contest is closed!

    The contest is closed! Stay tuned for the winners.

  • Goodbye, Alex Cordobe.

    The Snook and I headed into Newtown again tonight to say goodbye to a Sydney institution: Alex Cordobe’s Pizza. After 32 years of serving up the best pies in the city, Dobe’s is no more. The place was packed but the food was as good as ever. Snookums had the ham, pineapple, and olives, while I had the searingly-hot Mexican. We drank beers and toasted the passing of an institution. At the end of the night the waiters dragged Dennis (the current owner) out from behind the counter and doused him with champagne. Fare thee well, pizza man.

    Interestingly, I got a waiter to confess that “Alex Cordobe” doesn’t exist. They picked it off a poster of a bullfighter.

  • Final call for Oscar Contest entries!

    We’ve had over 400 entries this year. Holy crap. I’m going to close the voting when I get up in the morning, which should be about five hours before the show starts. So if you haven’t entered yet, do it NOW! A sock monkey hangs in the balance. (I’m going to do second and third prizes as well since there are so many entries.)

    If you’d like to see how the tally is progressing throughout the show, bookmark this page. I’ll be updating the award winners in real time (well, as quickly as I can get them off the web) and the scores will update immediately. As you can see, there’s currently a 400-way tie for first. 🙂

    Oh, and if you’re going to be taping the show (or watching it near a computer), I’d love it if you could e-mail me the number of dead people in the obituary tribute montage. I’ve had a couple of volunteers already but it never hurts to double-check!

    Good luck, everybody!

  • Cat books

    The Snook and I want a cat. Unfortunately I haven’t had one since I was little and the Snook’s only familiar with outdoor farm cats, so this morning I headed to the bookstore to buy a cat owner’s manual. I stood there looking through the pet section for ages. There were lots of books on dogs, lots on fish, several on birds, several on random pets like ferrets and bunnies, but only a tiny handful on cats. It amused me to see “Dogs for Dummies” and “The Idiot’s Guide to Budgies” and “Rabbits for Dummies” and “The Idiot’s Guide to Sharks”, while there wasn’t a single “Dummy” book in the cat section. I take this to mean that cat owners are just naturally more intelligent. Anyway, I got one and we’re reading through it. Cat ownership, here we come!

  • My cousin visits!

    Me and my cousin Tony and his girlfriend Molly

    After two long years in Australia, a member of my family has finally come to visit. My cousin Tony is here for the semester studying in Wollongong (just south of Sydney) and came up to see us this weekend. Here I am with him and his girlfriend Molly. We took them out for a traditional Newtown evening of cocktails, beers, and Japanese food. I managed to goad them into eating sushi and octopus! It was pretty darn fun.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!