I would’ve thought Roger Ebert would’ve had more to say about that whole Phantom Edit thing. I mean, as a Star Wars fan myself I wish the film had been better. But as a film student, I don’t like the idea that we can just cut up somebody else’s work because we didn’t agree with it.

Just this morning Snookums and I were discussing my dream job, which is basically to get paid for surfing and writing about the ‘Net. We agreed that I might have a chance writing for a newspaper or television show, but that I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting paid for online content. So I just keep doing what I’ve been doing: working for The Man during the day, and doing my own stuff whenever I get a chance. It beats being homeless. John Scalzi agrees with me. (Again, link courtesy of John.)

Sorry for the dead air lately. I got caught in the two-day training session from hell on Friday and Saturday. (What did I learn, you ask? A little about XML and UML, and a whole bunch of touchy-feely crap about communicating effectively.) Sunday me, Snookums, and Nick made a big roast chicken dinner for ourselves and then watched another three episodes of the Buffy Season 1 DVD. (I’m going to buy us the Season 2 box set this week when our new DVD player arrives!) So the weekend had its high points and its low points…