Nat(NOTE: This post is probably only going to be interesting to people I went to school with, so feel free to skip if that doesn’t include you.)

Anyway, so I just had a nice IM chat with my good friend Nathaniel Cunningham (yes, he of “Turducken” fame). Not only did he point me to this way cool webcam the grad students have set up at his University, but he informed me that a friend of ours from college named Eric “Hoey” Robben is getting married soon. Hoey was in one of Notre Dame’s greatest bands, The Meteors. You can even download their mp3s. I know it’s a bit of a random post, but it was just so great to hear from/about people at home. I feel so out of the loop here sometimes. I miss college.

Notice anything different? I just read this post on Steve’s site and it got me to thinkin’. Why do I put the sidebar on the left? I use PCs and Macs equally, so I’m not sure I buy into that theory. And Steve’s point about text-based browsers is very valid. I think usability is important and I want to cater to as wide an audience as possible (not to mention the fact that Snookums has been known to use Lynx to browse now and again). So I’m doing an experiment. What do you think? Does it seem more natural to have the sidebar stuff on the right? Please take a second to vote in the poll and let me know what you think.

I know it’d be devastating and kill people and all, but I still can’t help thinking that a 45 ft. tidal wave would be a pretty cool sight. I mean, if you’re gonna go, you might as well go in a big-ass natural disaster.

My friend Tara D. (who I mentioned before) just revealed that not only does she read my blog tons, but she’s got her own! I’ve added her to my link list. You really should check it out sometime. As she herself put it, it’s kind of a “day in the life of a comic” type thing. Very cool.

All hail the first official cast picture from Dawson’s Creek Season 5! As usual, Dawson takes center stage and underwhelms us with his bad hair, XXXXXXL size pants, and massive forehead. Everyone else looks vaguely pissed off. (Wouldn’t you?) And why, oh why, are they hiding Pacey’s glorious studliness in the background? I hope this picture isn’t indicative of the way the season’s going to play out. I suppose there’s always PaceyPorn.

Update: I sent round that link to my two DC buddies in the office and one of them responded with these pictures of the new supporting characters this season. With the exception of Pacey’s new girlfriend, it ain’t pretty.

Oh! Now I get it. Elisabeth’s boyfriend didn’t sell just any old naked pictures of her to the tabloids. They were “artistic” and he only did it to combat her “earth mother” image. Whatever. In case you have no clue what I’m talking about, read this interview with one of the chicks from Big Brother. Yeah, yeah, I understand about the manipulation of footage and all. But I still can’t believe she had no problems with him doing that. (Link courtesy of John.)

Stinkor ruled!
Gael – who seems to be back to regular posting – pointed to a hilarious story entitled “The Ten Strangest Masters of the Universe Figures Ever!” Didn’t know I was into He-Man, did ya? Well, the babysitter my brother, sister, and I went to all through elementary school had this spoiled rotten little brat of a son named Nathan. And Nathan had every single He-Man toy created. Seriously, every one. So when it was raining and we couldn’t play outside, we played with those damn dolls. We all had our favorites, but I was torn between Stinkor, the skunk-man who actually stank, and the dude with three faces that rotated within his head. Now that was a dumb super power.