• Quilting

    My quilt

    Since Snookums has been busy with his computer (recently unpacked from three months in transit), I’ve kinda been avoiding mine. It just doesn’t feel right that both of us should be hunched over computer screens for ten hours a day when we’re not being paid for it. So instead I quilt. I quilt and I watch Buffy. This is a picture of my quilt so far. That’s five rows out of about twenty-five that I have planned. (Yeah, it’s massive, I know. But I like big blankets.) All the colored squares are different shades of blue, some with patterns and stuff. It’s gonna be awesome.

    Oh, and re: Buffy. When you Americans finally get your Season 3 DVD, be sure and listen to the commentary on “Bad Girls”. The guy speaking (the writer) talks quite candidly about the “lesbian subtext” of Buffy and Faith, and how Eliza Dushku was always pushing for more. Snookums and I found it both hilarious and fascinating. 🙂

  • Amusing anecdote

    Hugh Jackman was being interviewed on Australian TV about his movie Kate and Leopold, which is just now opening here. The reporter asked him about Meg Ryan, and he started spouting off about how nice she was and what a good friend and how she made him feel welcome and how she just loved everything Australian– and the interviewer interjected with: “Well, she would, wouldn’t she?” It was pretty funny, considering that’s what everyone was thinking. He just kinda chuckled and shook his head, as if to say, “You’re gonna get me in trouble.”

  • Spa Day

    Well, Spa Day has come and gone. I’m rather ambivalent about the experience. I mean, on one hand it’s nice to sit in a darkened room listening to rainforest sounds while somebody massages warm goo into you. On the other hand, my face looks exactly the same and my new manicure is ruined already. It was nice to be the Princess for 90 minutes though.

  • Murder on the Dancefloor

    I know that the boys all love Kylie… but – God help me – I just can’t stop listening to Sophie Ellis Bextor‘s “Murder on the Dancefloor”. I need help. It was the video that sucked me in. I saw it at the gym. Does anyone else think she looks like Shannen Doherty’s skinnier, even bitchier younger sister?

  • Small hands…

    Small hands!

    Hmmm. I feel bad about the bragging now. As a peace offering to my sister, here’s a picture that ought to make her laugh for six months straight. You see, she thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world that I have freakishly small hands. (“Carnies… circus people… small hands, smell like cabbage…”) And somehow she’s managed to convince everyone I know that it’s really funny too. So recently I bought some rubber gloves at the grocery store (to cut off the fingertips to use as makeshift quilting thimbles) and I was amused to see that there was a “sizing guide” on the back of the package. I couldn’t resist lining my palm up to see where I landed. As you can clearly see, my hand is about a centimeter smaller than the smallest size. Har har. Happy?

  • Spa Day

    Since my sister is always accusing me of bragging about my life on here, let me indulge myself. Today, you see, I will be having a “one-hour facial, mini-manicure, and back massage” at the beauty parlor around the corner where I get my eyebrows done. They sent me some card for my birthday offering me the special at half off, and I’m nothing if not thrifty. (Actually I’m not, but I never let that get in the way of a good impulse buy.) I’m wondering, though, what the hell they do to my face for an hour. I’m not sure I touch my face myself for an hour a day. I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • Six Feet Under

    Speaking of Six Feet Under, can I just tell you how it’s my new favorite show ever? And how Peter Krause is the hottest guy in the history of the world? I’m sorry, Max; I gave Alias a fair shot but that Will guy creeps me out. (He kinda reminds me of my friend BJ.) I gave it up.

  • Yowza

    I am continually amazed by how liberal television standards are everywhere outside America. Tonight, after the Snook and I finished watching Six Feet Under, we saw a “local” ad promoting “Maxine’s All Nude, All Rude, P*ssy Extravaganza.” And lest you think it’s some sort of naturist cat convention, the commercial’s visual accompaniment left little to the imagination. Of course, we still don’t know what the actual event is, but they definitely got our attention.

  • Sydney

    Sydney is apparently the fourth most desirable city to live in. That’s out of the whole world, folks. Granted, it’s the air pollution that’s keeping it down (we have to wash icky black stuff off our balcony chairs before sitting in them), but there’s a million other things that make up for it. And considering that London is way down at #41 (and falling), I definitely feel like we’ve traded up.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!