• Australian Survivor starts tomorrow!

    All Australian SurvivorTonight was the “Casting Special”, which showed clips from the 8500 audition tapes that were sent in. They had an entire section of people singing “I Will Survive” (a very common idea). Several people demonstrated their ability to eat gross things (including cow’s brains). There was a lot of animal wrestling. It was pretty funny. At the end they showed the tapes from the sixteen selected contestants. I haven’t made my selections for our Pick ‘Em game yet, but I’ve got a few hunches. I’ll let you know how I go.

  • Tara Lipinski

    Tara Lipinski is guest-starring on The Ice Dream tonight. She’s all grown up with alternative hair. She looks like some scary blonde Fairuza Balk.

  • Tootsie Pops

    Did you ever look for the star on a Tootsie Roll Wrapper? I was always told that if you found one, you could send it in for a prize (or make a wish on it or something). Turns out it’s just another urban legend.

  • Alias

    So last night as the Australian premiere of Alias, right? I’d been hearing that a lot of people liked the show, so the Snook and I gave it a shot. It was entertaining. Not the greatest thing ever, but not crap. So today I went to TSFKAMBTV to check out their recap. And get this – it had all these bits in it that weren’t shown in our version! I guess the American show was shown without commercials, right? (Was that just the premiere, or all of them?) And so to make room for them here, they cut out lots of little bits. I’m pissed.

  • Worry

    “The World of the Laid-Off Techie.” Oh god. Sometimes stuff like this comes along, and it just makes me so scared that we made the wrong decision in leaving our jobs in London. It wasn’t, right?

  • DMB

    Help! What’s the name of the Dave Matthews Band song that plays during the Black Hawk Down commercials? I’m so out of the Top 40 loop over here.

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix was on TV tonight. It was the first time I’d seen it since I moved to Sydney (where it was filmed). It was amazing how much of the city I recognized. The “woman in the red dress” sequence happened in front of the fountain in Martin Place. The Centrepoint Tower was clearly visible in the skyline shot that Morpheus shows Neo on the television. I was able to pick out the Anzac Bridge in the distance when Neo was on the window ledge. It made me feel a little more at home here to be able to recognize the landmarks.

  • It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then I discover some aspect of Australian culture that is completely different to the American way. For instance, Channel Seven has a show on every night called “The Ice Dream” that basically makes fun of the Olympics. It’s hilarious. These two sportscasters just rip on everybody and everything. They called the Opening Ceremony “rubbish”. During their recap of the pairs ice skating tonight, they actually dubbed in fart noises whenever the couples did their spins. They keep making double entendres about the slogan “the fire within”. They’ve got a mock campaign going to host the 2010 Winter Olympics at some place called “Smiggins Hole, New South Wales”. Now, can you honestly imagine an American show like this? Sure, Dave Letterman will send his Mom to the Games, but he doesn’t take the piss for ninety minutes every night. Americans take such things very seriously. Australians don’t take anything seriously. It amuses me.

  • Ahh, too many birthdays! Martin‘s was Friday. Sorry I missed ya, mate!


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!