• Accomplishment: Tonight at dinner, for the first time in my life I managed to tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. Yeah, baby.

  • My reign of terror in Australia continues. After the fires, we now have floods. Next I bring the locusts!

  • And another thing… U2’s done both the NBA Finals and the Superbowl now. Will they be whoring themselves out to the World Series next year? (Probably not, there’s no half-time to erect their giant pretentious sets.) I was impressed that Bono managed to make it back from pressing the flesh at the World Economic Forum in New York in time to don that oh-so-touching stars-n-stripes waistcoat. Do those guys spent any time in Ireland anymore?

    (I actually like U2; I’m just having a knee-jerk reaction to their deification right now. Am I the only one who remembers Pop?)

  • The Snook and I watched the Big Game live on television this morning. How nice was it to watch the Superbowl at 10:30 a.m.? It almost made up for the fact that we don’t get to see any of the commercials. Which reminds me: ever wondered what the cameramen do while the adverts are running? They zoom in on cheerleaders’ boobs and asses. I swear to God. We international types get to see everything.

    Oh yeah, and it was a pretty damn good game. I was rooting for the Pats the whole way, which makes it the first time in ages that the “Kristy Curse” didn’t strike. (Unlike the cricket yesterday, which was a major disappointment.) And wasn’t Brady the cutest? “That’s my car?? … This will be a team car!”

  • Phil saw his shadow and y’all have six more weeks of winter coming. Does that mean we get six more weeks of summer??

  • Grrr. Sometimes I hate being a day ahead of you guys. It’s Monday morning, and I fire up web-goddess to see what comments have been left. But wait! I’ve forgotten that it’s only Sunday there. Crap.

  • Michael Moore’s summation of Bush’s wrongdoing in the Enron disaster is masterful. For a few weeks I’ve been feeling like I’m not getting the whole story from the media, and now here it is. Granted, Moore can be a bit over-the-top sometimes, but here he seems to be backing up his wild accusations with evidence.

  • Funny Australian Observation O’ The Day: Aussie newscasters pronounce the word “debut” as “day-boo”. That cracks me up.

    Oh, since the Super Bowl is coming up, here’s a sports-related bit of trivia. In Australia, the word “root” has a very, very different meaning. In fact, it’s a very vulgar and rude word for “having sex”. Which is why the Aussies spent the entire last Olympics giggling at Americans “rooting” for their teams. (I won’t even tell you what “fanny” means here, but suffice it to say that the mere mention of a “fannypack” sends Snookums into fits of laughter.)

  • Holy crap! I found my first Googlewhack… and it’s my own site! Check it out. I am the only site on the Internet for the search “singlets hummus”. I didn’t even come up with that; I just saw it on my list of last searches. How insane is that? My score:

    singlets: 20,100
    hummus: 41,800
    singlets hummus: 840,180,000

  • The Snook and I just got done watching his favorite movie, Tombstone, on television. Wanting to know the truth about the events in the film, I turned to the Internet. Wow, they really white-washed some stuff! Apparently most of the Earp boys’ wives were reputed to be prostitutes, and it’s not even certain that Wyatt was married to his before he left her for the actress. Are you a big fan of the movie? You should take this guy’s Tombstone Purity Test. The Snook only managed to score a paltry 80. (It’s pretty difficult unless you’ve actually been there.) I myself got, like, two.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!