• Australian Survivor News: Apparently my complaints yesterday reached the right ears. The official Australian Survivor website has launched! The tribes will be called “Kadina” and “Tipara”, which are apparently names of ships that have been wrecked off the coast. Check out the shipwreck in the picture… Supposedly that’s where Tribal Council is going to be held!

    Check out this description of one of the contestants:

    Twenty-seven-year-old Craig is an electrician from Victoria who sent himself in a box to Channel Nine and personally handed his audition tape to executive producer Stephen Peters.

    Psycho! Awesome.

  • Oh. My. God. Sophie Lee is starring in a play in Sydney. She is my favorite Australian actress. I’m so there. Remember her? She was bitchy Tania in Muriel’s Wedding. (“I’m a bride! I’m supposed to be euphoric!”) She was also in The Castle (which Ebert and I highly recommend) and Holy Smoke (which, incidentally, was the occasion of the Snook’s and my first date). Anyway, nobody plays bitchy blonde ditzes like Sophie. LOVE her.

  • It’s answer time!

    The first correct guess was submitted by Beau (though not for the reason he thought). A couple others guessed that one as well. Congratulations! Here we go…

    1. I got a tattoo for my twentieth birthday.
      True. It’s the Korean word for “rite of passage”. It’s nowhere you’d ever see unless I showed you. 🙂
    2. I have had blue hair.
      True. That was for my twenty-first birthday. (I have birthday issues, obviously.) I had a friend put a blue streak in my hair, which was blonde at the time.
    3. I can do a cartwheel.
      False! I wish it were a matter of choice, Beau, but in reality I can’t do a cartwheel to save my life. It was my greatest shame in elementary school.
    4. I have never broken a bone in my body.
      True. Sorry, anon and Khay. I’m clumsy and I fall down a lot, but I’ve never broken anything.
    5. Despite being my high school valedictorian, I actually failed a class my senior year.
      True. This fooled Brigita and Kel. Valedictorian was actually determined after seven semesters, so your grades from the last semester really didn’t count. I had been on a study trip to Germany the previous summer, and I had committed to a year of German 4. I was the only one taking it though, I wasn’t learning anything, and my teacher was a complete beeatch. So I got permission from the study program to switch to Drama second semester. My German teacher got pissed that I went over her head and insisted that I was still in her class. I told her I didn’t care. (I’d already been accepted to ND, who didn’t care.) The guidance counselor sided with her, so I ended up failing that last semester. I’m actually pretty proud of it.
    6. I am one quarter Korean.
      True. Everybody knows this, right? Mom’s mom is Korean.
    7. I can juggle.
      True. I had to learn it for a play freshman year of college. I can do two balls with one hand, or three balls with both hands.
    8. I have been skydiving.
      True. I caught Jeremy, Moire, and Claire on this one. I went with the Parachutin’ Weasels, a group of girls from my dorm. It was the day after classes ended senior year, and I was (understandably) hung over like a dog. It was tandem jumping, and the only thing going through my head on the way down was “Don’t puke on your jumpmaster. Don’t puke on your jumpmaster.”
    9. I saw “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” eight times in the theater.
      Embarrassingly true. In my defense, Ron, I’d sorta zone out for most of it and then perk up when the final light saber battle started.
    10. I have made a quilt from scratch.
      True. I’m crafty, I am.

    I’m surprised I stumped so many of you. I even got Snookums, who reasoned that “all girls know how to cartwheel”. If only that were so. *sigh* If only that were so…

  • It’s the old “Nine Things About Me That Are True, and One That Isn’t” meme. Members of my immediate family are not allowed to play. Everybody ready?

    1. I got a tattoo for my twentieth birthday.
    2. I have had blue hair.
    3. I can do a cartwheel.
    4. I have never broken a bone in my body.
    5. Despite being my high school valedictorian, I actually failed a class my senior year.
    6. I am one quarter Korean.
    7. I can juggle.
    8. I have been skydiving.
    9. I saw “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” eight times in the theater.
    10. I have made a quilt from scratch.

    Okay, which one isn’t true? Let the guessing begin! Answers will be posted in a day or so.

  • Last bit of Survivor News for the day… Whaddaya know? There’s a Yahoo Group. They’ve done all the research for me!

  • More Survivor News: After doing some sniffing about, I finally managed to get confirmation on where the competition will take place: Whaler’s Way, near Port Lincoln in South Australia. It’s not as harsh as the Kimberley, we think, but it’s close to the Nullarbor, which could be trouble.

  • Australian Survivor News

    All Australian SurvivorI have to say, I’ve been tremendously disappointed with Channel Nine’s hype for the show so far. There is absolutely no information available on their website. We don’t know who the host is, who the contestants are, or where it’s going to be played. (Based on the first commercial, the Snook guesses the Kimberley, which is a deserty place on the northwest edge of the continent.) They’ve just recently started showing two new commercials that introduce some of the contestants, but you don’t get to see much. How am I supposed to conduct my Survivor Contest if we don’t know who to vote for in the first episode? (Incidentally, I’m still accepting players if anybody’s interested.)

  • Hanalei

    Thanks to Bill, I now know that Puff the Magic Dragon lived in Hawaii, specifically near the town called “Hanalei”. (Yeah, I sung it, but I never knew where it was.)

  • What the hell? A satellite is expected to crash to Earth sometime today and pieces could fall anywhere between Orlando, Florida and Brisbane, Australia. Not that we’re in any danger or anything, but why the heck isn’t more notice given for these things? (Link courtesy of Fredo.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!