• What the hell? A satellite is expected to crash to Earth sometime today and pieces could fall anywhere between Orlando, Florida and Brisbane, Australia. Not that we’re in any danger or anything, but why the heck isn’t more notice given for these things? (Link courtesy of Fredo.)

  • New webcam image is up. That’s Snook giving me some smoochies. We were yet again defeated at the Nag’s Head trivia tonight. I came through on Judy Garland’s real name (Frances Gumm), but I totally tanked on the group that sang “Walkin’ on Sunshine”. (Ten points for whoever knows that without cheating.) In better news, I lost another pound!

  • The Snook and I finally saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back last night. (It just opened here last week.) I left the film thinking, “That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.” But you know, that’s not even really a criticism, since they acknowledge it all throughout the movie. It’s supposed to be stupid. If you haven’t seen it yet, I can’t give you a whole-hearted recommendation unless A) you’ve seen all of Kevin Smith’s other movies, B) you enjoyed all of Kevin Smith’s other movies, and C) you don’t get easily offended by really, really crude humor. That said, the scene with James Van Der Beek was, for me, worth the price of admission. “You wouldn’t last one day on the Creek!”

  • Reason 513 I’m Glad I’m Not Still in Britain: 120mph wind storms

  • Reason 512 I’m Glad I’m Not Still in Britain: winter vomiting

    “We are not talking about feeling a bit dicky and chucking up in the toilet bowl. I am told that people can vomit straight out for about a yard.”

  • Check it out! I have a webcam! That’s me wavin’ at you over there. I know it’s a bit crappy, but I haven’t played around with it very much yet so hopefully they’ll get better. And once we get ADSL – which should happen soon – they’ll be updated on a regular basis! Those of you hoping I’ll embrace the camgirl lifestyle shouldn’t hold their breath, though. I’ve promised the Snook that w-g will remain PG-rated, no matter what you buy me off my Amazon wishlist. 🙂

    (Note: I know the image is a bit bloated, but I can’t fix that til I get a better jpeg compressor. Just turn off the images if you find the site takes too long to load.)

  • Strange things are afoot at the Circle K. Stay tuned for details…

  • How many of the most highly rated theme park rides have you ridden? I’ve been on ten out of the twenty! (It helps that a lot are at Cedar Point.)

  • Three-month gym membership: $150
    Cute blue water bottle: $3
    New sports bras: $30
    Stepping out of the gym into the bright blue sunshine after having finished my workout, ran two miles, and lost half a kilogram, and thinking, “I am so proud of myself”: priceless

    Nearly getting hit by a car because I’m so entranced by the idea of running home and blogging this right away: pretty damn embarrassing

  • Huh. I knew that I was lucky to have lived through two palindromic years (1991 and 2002), but who knew that next month we’d actually see a 12-digit palindromic date? That’s right, at 8:02 p.m. on the 20th of February, it will be 200220022002. (Assuming you use a 24-hour clock and the European method of writing the day/month, of course.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!