• Remember in Microserfs when the main characters talk about the United States running out of phone numbers? All area codes used to have a 1 or 0 in the middle, but with the proliferation of mobiles, faxes, and ISPs, they’re going to have to bring in new ones. Which kinda sucks, because you won’t be able to work out how important your area is anymore. (With the old system, lower numbers were preferable to high numbers, since they took less time to go around a rotary dial.) Anyway, the point in talking about all this is that Northern Indiana, where I grew up and went to college, is splitting into three area codes. Everyone has six months to start using 574 instead of 219. Just a heads up, yo.

  • Advice needed.

    Our poor pineappleI know some of you have green thumbs. See our little pineapple over there? Mama Snookums bought it for us for Christmas. Unfortunately on the way down to Sydney he was jostled and his little neck (i.e. the part holding up the fruit) broke. We’ve got him tied upright now, but I fear the worst. He’s slowly turning yellow, which Snookums believes is a sign that he’s dead and ripening. What do you think? If he is, how do we go about growing another one? Do we just cut him off and another will grow? Or do we have to dig up the whole plant and then re-plant the top from the fruit?

    R.I.P., wee pineapple.

  • What the…? Mighty Big TV has changed names. It’s now known as Television Without Pity. Rumor has it that this site probably had something to do with it. Man, I liked the old one way better.

  • Man, I’m the link stealer today! Everybody’s got such good stuff. And I’m still hungover so I can’t be bothered to be creative myself. 🙂

  • Hee! Evil computer thieves thwarted by Applescript. Score one for the good guys. (Link courtesy of Wibbly WebLog.)

  • Wheaton backlash

    The inevitable Wil Wheaton backlash has begun. Damn, and I didn’t even start it! (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Ouch

    Ouch, my aching head. Our Australia Day barbecue was a smashing success. Many snags were eaten, and much beer was imbibed. It appears that we weren’t the only ones boozing it up last night, though. The whole bloody country’s in the North Atlantic! (Link courtesy of Ron. Man, everybody’s got good links today!)

  • Apparently MGM are putting the kibosh on Goldmember. Snookums wonders, though, doesn’t that fall under parody-protection laws? If Weird Al can turn “Gangsta Paradise” into “Amish Paradise”, shouldn’t Mike Myers be able to rip on Goldfinger? (Link courtesy of anon.)

  • Some of you kids might be interested to know that Blogger Pro has been launched. Hmmm… Maybe I should finally release my homebrew blogging system? It’s not like I don’t have the time to work on it.

  • Rant of the Day: Reclaim the Rainbow. Yes, these idiots are actually pissed off that gays use the rainbow as a symbol. “The rainbow is one of God’s trademarks. The Gay-BI-Lesbians are transgressing on His trademark rights.” How ridiculous is that? You can’t have a monopoly on a natural phenomenon. And hello? Tons of people other than gays appropriate the rainbow. I’m pretty sure I drew one one my notebook every single day in the third grade. And what about the Lisa Frank company? Are they using the rainbow for un-Godly, commercial purposes too? This is just an excuse for some uptight people to spread around their homophobia. It pisses me off. (Link courtesy of Fredo.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!