On the Cover

NBC is developing a new game show titled “On the Cover,” which will quiz contestants on “pop culture trivia and the images featured on the covers of popular magazines, books, CDs, movie posters, TV title sequences and classic albums.” It’s supposed to be a cross between Entertainment Tonight and Jeopardy. KICKASS! The episode to end all episodes: Kristine Howard vs. Kelly McMahon vs. Sal Scherer vs. Liz McKillop.


Grrrr. Remember I told you about the female kicker who is suing North Carolina because she claims she was cut from the football team for being female? Predictably, N.C. is claiming that they cut her because she just wasn’t good enough. Which I could understand… except for the fact that she testified that her coach “told her she should give up kicking footballs and perhaps give beauty pageants a try.”

Speak up, already

This girl wrote to the Observer to complain about some drunk guys behind her at a football game that talked about sex the whole time. While I agree that you should be able to attend a game and not be made uncomfortable, she could’ve done something about it. She just stood there the whole time feeling embarrassed. She should’ve asked them to tone it down. I don’t know… It just seems idiotic to stand there blushing for four hours.