• New Poll: It seems like every female weblogger asks this at some point, but what the hell. What color should I dye my hair? You can see the whole spectrum in the image at the top of the site. It’s currently red, but faded. I’m not sure whether I should change it. On one hand, bright red hair might make it a little more difficult to get a job (once I finally start looking). But on the other, I live in the punky part of town, and how much longer will I be able to get away with this in my life? Maybe I should keep it a little longer. So look through those pics and tell me what you think.

    On a related note, I’ve got a new experience scheduled for today: I’m having my eyebrows waxed. No, I don’t have a unibrow or anything. But I’m tired of tweezing them to keep them pretty, so I’m gonna pay some woman to shape them for me. Full report to follow…

  • Goldfinger“My name is Pussy Galore.”
    The Snook and I have been slowly going through his Christmas present from me, the complete James Bond DVD collection. (He’s seen them all; I haven’t seen any.) Last night was Goldfinger (ba-baaaaaaa-ba!). This was my favorite so far. I looooved Pussy Galore. How the hell could Honor Blackman keep a straight face when Connery called her “Pussy” in that Scottish accent? I cried with laughter when I saw the name of her piloting business (hence my new strapline). I also liked Oddjob, Goldfinger’s supposedly Korean butler with the lethal hat. Come on, the guy took a gold brick in the chest and didn’t even flinch! The whole movie was just a triumph of camp style and action over realism and political-correctness. I highly recommend it.

  • Where in pi is your name? “Kris” comes up at the 3,293,858,216th character. “Snook” is found at the 3,678,202,232th. I win! (Link courtesy of new discovery John at Wibbly Weblog, which I’m trying out in my links list.)

  • You might have already noticed, but it blows my mind that I can now read all my favorite catalogs at Google. Ahhh, to remember the days when J. Crew inundated Notre Dame with about five catalogs per student…

  • Also seen on the Channel Seven News tonight: “Pretzel vs the President”. That’s the title of their continuing saga of our accident-prone Prez. Jeez.

  • Suspicious envelopes were mailed to thirty Sydney McDonald’s restaurants today. Some of them even supposedly contained a white powder. And with that, anthrax hysteria jumps the Pacific! All 710 Aussie McDonald’s have been ordered not to open their mail for the time being. Luckily the Snook and I live in Newtown, which is so violently bohemian that the only chain restaurant with the temerity to move in was forced out of business years ago. So we’re all good.

  • Heh.

    “You have the right to remain silent–“
    “Snoochie boochies!”

  • Still on the Blogger Code theme… Somebody’s written a Blogger Decoder. Paste in a person’s code, and it tells you what it means. Very handy.

  • Blogger code

    Remember the Blogger Code? Someone is accusing Ron of stealing it, despite the fact that the two versions have nothing in common but the idea of a “code”, which can be traced back here anyway. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all about integrity on the web (especially as regards stealing images). But God, we can be a petty bunch sometimes, squabbling over popularity.

  • From the TV Guide:

      11.45 Movie: The Eel. Paroled after eight years in prison for killing his wife, a man and his closest companion, an eel, embark on a new life as a barber in a small town. (Japan).

    I swear, Australian TV is the weirdest. (Although perhaps I should extend that to the Japanese as well, since they evidently produced the thing.)


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!