Roger Ebert went into a movie screening at 8:30 in the morning yesterday and “walked out two hours later into a different world.” His wife and daughter were in New York City (they’re safe). He puts into words what a lot of people were feeling. He’s a good writer.
Slate has collected all of the day’s editorial cartoons. You know, a cartoonist can really make an event hit home in a way that video footage cannot. I really found myself getting choked up at a lot of these. A lot of cartoonists used the theme of the Statue of Liberty sobbing and averting her eyes… but there were two among the lot that show her still standing there, proud and defiant. I like those the best.
I’m compiling a list of blog reactions I can find in the NY/DC area. Here’s what I got so far:
New York: Andy’s Chest; East/West; UltraSparky; CamWorld; superhyperdemonchild; Everlasting Blogstalker;; Saran Warp; Scripting News
DC: fredosite
Notre Dame‘s cancelled all classes and activities and declared it a “Day of Prayer”. That’s an understatement.
They’ve evacuated most of the City of London. (The City is the square mile financial district in the middle.) Canary Wharf, the London Stock Exchange, the Natwest Tower, the Lloyds of London building… All empty. This is frightening.
Oh my God. Oh my God. Can you believe this? Our whole office is clustered in the kitchen watching the news footage as it rolls in. The BBC site seems to be swamped. My cousin IMed me from the States to say she’d just seen the footage. I IMed my mom and told her to turn on the TV. My sister called from work to say she’d heard from her boss that something terrible had happened. It’s like a disaster movie.
Excerpt from an Instant Messenger conversation:
Snookums: What is disputed? The fact that there is always carrots or the source of these carrots? The presence of carrots is ubiquitous enough to make it into at least 3 entries in this excellent list of regurgitative euphemisms.
Kris: Dude, you’re just making this worse. You know it all goes straight to the blog.
Snookums: I found a reference to vomit always containing carrots somewhere on
Kris: Nasty. *pause* You ready to go to lunch?
Damn. My perverts page is catching people, but a bug in my code meant that their “appeals” weren’t getting recorded properly. It’s fixed, though, so hopefully we’ll get some suckers today.
Oh, and I changed the poll. 🙂
Is it wrong to wanna see Michael Jordan fall on his ass? This is gonna be ugly, folks.
Ever heard of the “carrot sac”? Snookums explained to me at lunch that everybody’s got one in their stomachs where all the carrots you ever eat are sent. That’s why when you vomit there’s always carrots in it. (I swear, this is what the boy said.) I told him that this must be a quaint Australianism, because it’s certainly never entered my slang dictionary before. Have you ever heard of it?