Eeb’s definitely got me excited to see “Moulin Rouge”. (Well, I was already pretty excited, given that Ewan McGregor plays a lovestruck poet who sings Madonna songs, but at least now I can back up my enthusiasm with a critical review.) He also liked “A Knight’s Tale”, which every other critic has been crapping on left and right. If Eeb says it’s okay, I’ll give it a look.

Bloody Blogger is down again. Now I’m stuck between coding my new weblogging software this weekend OR enjoying this. I guess I could always lug the iMac down to the backyard… 🙂

I gotta say, the new Webmonkey design is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen. Thank God it doesn’t extend any further than the front page, or I’d have to stop using it. *shudder*

Why is everyone suddenly interested in hacking my boxen? These stories sound like the deluded ravings of the Windoze Borg, trying to instill fear and paranoia in the ranks of happy Mac users.

My friend Pat McDonald just IMed me to let me know that he’s finished his last final and his college career is finally over. An excerpt from our hilarious conversation:

    PatMcd01: done with college
    KrisinLondon: SWEET!
    PatMcd01: i’m as smart as i’ll ever be right now
    KrisinLondon: hahahahaha… That’s an interesting way to look at it.
    PatMcd01: i’ll be getting dumber very soon

Given that George W. Bush will be presenting his commencement address next weekend, I told him I’d have to agree. To which he responded:

    PatMcd01: haha… i should ask gw about my job strategery


This stupid article makes it sound like that alleged murderer was on her period and that’s why it’s understandable that she went on a homicidal rampage. Yeah, I realize that it goes on to explain she had an “associated polycystic ovary syndrome”, but they still make it sound like it was just “Aunt Flo.”