Matt at Scrubbles links to an excellent article by Christopher Kelly of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram about the “herd mentality” of most movie critics when it comes to picking the best films of the year. After reading it I immediately went back to read Ebert’s Top Ten list, and I was disappointed to see that his choices mostly lined up with everybody else’s. He does mention some more obscure and interesting titles in his “Special Jury Prizes” and “Honorable Mentions,” though. I still like the Eeb… His taste in film, while perhaps sometimes pedestrian, is very similar to my own and I always enjoy his sense of humor, especially in his Movie Answer Man column.
Of course.
Remember that Republican ex-boyfriend I mentioned? In a stunning example of Conservative smugness, waste, excess, and hubris, he spent nine dollars Fed Ex-ing me a stack of pro-Bush articles he printed off the Internet. In color. All the way to London. And he prefaced it with the letter he received from Jeb Bush thanking him for his support. Can you believe that? (Don’t worry, Mark. Liberals like me are usually very forgiving, so you may be able to atone for this crime someday.)
Praise Jesus! Matt Ashford returns as Jack Devereaux on Days of Our Lives February 5th. I haven’t been a fan of recent storylines, but bringing back the One True Jack could very well change all that. (The One True Jennifer‘s been back for a while now.) If you’re not a fan, you can’t possibly appreciate the significance of bringing back one of the most popular daytime supercouples of the 80’s. The banter, the adventures, the romance… You know, they remind me a lot of Joey and Pacey, but without all the psycho-babble.
Superbowl Commercials
Since I missed the Superbowl (I think France is the last place on Earth one could expect to find such an American spectacle), I’ve been reading reviews of the commercials on the Internet and watching them on Adcritic. So far I think the funniest part have been the repeated slams on Andersen Consulting Accenture. My friend Kel works there, and I have to kid her about the completely cheesy name. And what is that “>” above the “t”? You can’t even reproduce that in HTML! I went to their corporate site, and the only place they properly spell their own name is in the gif image on the front page! I also found a story on Slate in which Rob Walker details the story behind the name switch and the split with Arthur Andersen. *snicker* Ah, bitchy I.T. gossip. I love it.
This editorial from my alma mater’s newspaper about President Clinton made me so angry that I actually wrote a letter to the editor for the first time in my life. I’ll let you know if it gets published.
This editorial about Clinton made me so mad that I actually wrote a letter to the Observer editor. I’ll let you know if it gets published.
The “Medoza College of Business Gigot Center for Entrepreneurial Studies” on campus is hosting a contest that will award $20,000 to the student or alumni that comes of up with the best business plan. That’s right, girls. We’re all eligible! I wonder how I could turn into a money-making venture? 🙂
The new ND Performing Arts Center, which is already, like, 12 years behind schedule, is being postponed for several more months while they re-design it a bit. When it’s done in 2003 it “will complete the DeBartolo quad, and contain a 900-seat concert hall, a movie theater, an organ and chorale hall and a studio theater.” Sweet.
According to the cops, only 18 students were busted at Benchwarmers… not the 50 previously reported. Which sort of answers my question about why so many students were at a crap bar on a Wednesday night.
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…