My new personal site, is up and running. (Yes, I know there’s a broken link for the portfolio, but I can’t fix it til I get to work Monday.) Is anyone else noticing a very, uh, PURPLE trend in my personal websites lately? *grin* And as long as you’re checking mine out, visit Brigita’s too. We’re bloggers. We crave constant approval. Love us.
It’s 2:30 in the morning and I’m officially making the call that the text size shall remain unchanged. The only place it looks too small is on my iMac, and if I hit the “larger” button it’s fine. So screw it. I just noticed, though, that I’m missing an HTML document (my portfolio). Drat. It’s on my machine at work. Okay, so the site won’t be officially done til Monday. But I’m through fiddling with it, which is cause for at least a small celebration. 🙂
Okay, the permanent links should now work. I’m still fiddling with the text size though. Almost done.
Hooray! Everything’s up and working! This weekend I’ll figure out the permanent blog linking scheme. And probably change the design four more times. And change the home page 10 more times. And curse Blogger 100 more times. *sigh* But at least it’s up now!
AHHHH! Blogger is driving me crazy today! There might not be any posts for a while because all the errors are pissing me off.
Whoa! This news story about the Ku Klux Klan first caught my eye because it was written in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where my sister lives. And then when I read it I found out the shocking news that the largest KKK group in the country is located in Butler, Indiana, where both of my parents grew up! This is very disturbing.
confidential to Howie (and any other weasel living overseas): it looks as though the UK site of eToys is going under. get all of your Lego and Lincoln Log needs met at 50% off! {courtesy of /usr/bin/girl} (Posted by Brigita.)
Apparently there’s a story in the new Marie Claire that asks famous women whether they’d prefer to be described as “smart” or “sexy.” Salon reports that Cindy Crawford prefers “smart” while Jennifer Lopez prefers “sexy”. Okay, A) BIG surprise there with those answers. NOT. And B) what the HELL kind of story is this? Are we still so un-enlightened that we think it’s not possible for a woman to be BOTH sexy and smart? Stories like this just perpetuate the myth that a girl has to choose between brains and a man. And lastly C) I previously thought I had lost all respect for Jennifer Lopez back during the Puff Daddy thing, but somehow she’s managed to lower herself even FURTHER in my estimation. Congratulations, Jen.
This Salon story about the 10 most disturbing trends in Hollywood made me laugh. Especially the part where the author rips on Jewel.
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…