College Bowl Predictions from Will Leitch at Ironminds. This guy cracks me up. The Gator Bowl: “I had this pet plastic alligator when I was a kid, but my parents put pepper on its tail because I have an oral fixation and would always chew on it. VIRGINIA TECH 37, CLEMSON 28.” And, of course, the Fiesta Bowl: “You know who I hate? Catholic people. I mean, don’t they drink blood and sacrifice children? Or is it the Buddhists who do that? OREGON STATE 19, NOTRE DAME 17.” This guy is Kelly McMahon with a sex change. 🙂
“100,000 scooters being recalled.” BWAH HA HA HA HA! Apparently the handles can break and come out of the steering column… which creates some very funny scenarios in my mind. Those damn things annoy me.
Congratulations to our own Nicole Mustilli, who was recently named “Air Force Female Athlete of the Year.” Nicole (or “Moost,” as me and Lizzie used to call her) was a member of the Class of ’99 and lived in PW all four years. She was also a member of the fencing team and a ROTC chick to boot. Way to go, Mustilli!
I couldn’t resist. “Vatican Warns Against Increasingly Healthy Attitudes Toward Sex.” I quote: “There is nothing holy about people feeling good about their bodies and themselves.” Hee hee!
Dubya has a Weblog! The funniest thing about this is, the writing style kinda reminds me of Kelly McMahon. Especially the use of the word “coolio.”
Because I know some of you are, um, big fans of Summer Sanders… you should know that she may pose naked in Playboy.
Everybody together now: Who’s my nemesis? That’s right, Jewel. And stories like this just illustrate why. What an idiot.
So I was reading the Movie & TV News at the IMDB today and had the following thoughts:
1. Dylan McDermott saved somebody from choking and then got projectile vomited upon? Man, that would suck.
2. Kevin Costner is writing a Broadway musical? Okay, now I feel like projectile vomiting.
Wow! I never really liked Courtney Thorne-Smith, but I have a newfound respect for her after she admitted in this interview that she quit Ally McBeal because of the pressure to be thin. She describes starving herself before filming sex scenes so she’d look better. Jeez.
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…