• Well done, girls.

    Weasel Football News: OH NO! The Observer is reporting that the Weasels lost to Walsh 25-18 in triple overtime. DAMN. Hey, girls, it was a great season. We’re so proud of you! We’ll get ’em next year. 🙂

  • Oh nooooo

    Oh no. A grad from the class of 2000 was hit by a drunk driver on Edison as she walked home from the ‘Backer the other night.

  • Go Liz and Court!

    Liz and Court win big at game show! Seriously! Lizzie (McKillop) and Courtney (Blum) went on “Who Knows You Best?” the other day and came out as the big winners! Of course, as Kel points out, the show itself looks like it sucks major ass (our friends’ victory notwithstanding). Some of McMahon’s best quotes: “they’re all like: this show demonstrates the BEAUTY of female friendship… MY ASS.” and regarding the message board on the website: “half of the people are like, PLEASE show the golden girls! and take this god-awful show away!” But congrats to the big winners anyway! 🙂

  • Ebert

    I love Roger Ebert. It’s true. I visit his site every Friday to read the new movie reviews, even though it’ll be six months before any of them come out in London. I love his “Answer Man” section where he answers movie questions readers send in. And his “Great Movies” essays remind me why I wanted to be a film major in the first place. I can’t really explain why I like the guy; I guess it’s because I tend to agree with him a lot. It just seems like we’d be friends, you know? Anyway, I’ve often caught myself wishing that I knew what “Eeb” (that’s what I call him in my mind; yes, I’m a freak) thinks about music or politics or television or sports, etc. Every now and then he posts a special essay on his website that does just that. The latest one is all about the Presidential election and why, in his mind, George Bush is an idiot. Did I mention that I love Roger Ebert? 🙂

  • Interhall Football

    This is a great Scholastic article about ND’s Interhall Football Program. I still think they should let girls hit harder though.

  • Weasel Football

    Weasel Football News: At long last! The Weasels played Walsh yesterday in the first round of the Playoffs. No word yet on the final score; I’ll let you know as soon as I can. We played Walsh in the regular season but it ended in a 0-0 tie. Offensive Coordinator Steve Baranowski had this to say: “Now, we’ve made a few offensive adjustments. We’ve put in a lot of new plays, and we’re keep[ing] it very close to the vest.” I LOVE THESE GUYS! I’m also looking for a Playoff Schedule. Could the FINAL game possibly be Sunday the 12th? I seem to remember it often being the Sunday after the Parent’s game… And guess what? B.C. is the Parent’s Game!! GO WEASELS! WE WANT TO CHEER YOU ON!

  • College Park

    It looks like College Park may limit the number of students per apartment next year. Former Weasel (turned Off-Campus Benedict Arnold) Erin Place is mentioned in this article. (Just kidding Place… I still love you.) 🙂

  • Advice

    Nice. A student who was part of the Bridget’s Bust of ’98 gives advice to the kids appearing in court for the Finnegan’s Bust of 2000. I think this would be a very scary thing to go through, nevertheless.

  • More politics

    GRRR. More Election News: “Gov. Bush will win on issues. The rest of it is static,” says Bush campaign spokesman Tucker Eskew. Uh-huh. Right. Of course, that isn’t stopping the Republicans from airing pro-Nader ads in Wisconsin, Washington, and Oregon in the hopes that Democrats will defect to the Green Party. That pisses me off. Bastards.


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!