Chilling on a hot day with some funky craft beers at @wildflowerbeer… 🍻☀️
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The Snook welcomed me home with a lovely dinner: pork loin, salad, and homemade rosemary-garlic potato chips. 😍
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TFW you’re having brekkie in your favorite cafe in Singapore and it turns out @marksbirch is sitting three tables over. 😂❤️
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LOL – my “eat 30 plants a week” goal is really being tested in Singapore. They call this a “Wurst Waffle.” 😂 🧇
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Like all Inner West hipsters, I recently went to Dresden to get new glasses and contacts. Unfortunately I ran into a few problems. I have no bridge to my nose and their frames have no nose pads, so they sit directly on my cheeks very close to my eyes. Also, my prescription is so high that they were unable to create the highest-index lenses for the Large size frames (I have a giant head), and the medium-index ones caused serious distortion around the sides. I ended up with just these reading glasses, which I like but I’m constantly having to push back up my face. 😕 Any recommendations for somewhere in Sydney that caters to melon-headed, tiny-nosed, extremely short-sighted nerds? 🤓
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Picanha steak with homemade chimmichurri, green beans, and baked sweet potato. ❤️ He feeds us so well!
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A lovely morning in Marrickville capped off by a visit to @hawkesbeerandleisure with @sezshares! F**king legend… 🍻
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…