It was my absolute honour to spend the last two days with Wendy and Harinder from the AWS Community Builders program rehearsing and delivering the closing keynote for #AWSBuildersOnline. Now, how do we get cast in the next Marvel movie?? 😂 #greenscreenpros
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Did I mention the cake? Because he also surprised me with Hawaiian Butter Mochi, and it’s delicious. 🤯❤️
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We’re doing final prep for tomorrow’s AWS #BuildersOnline event, which means I get to sit in the professional makeup chair again! Such glamour. So wow. (No lipstick until after I eat lunch. These people know me.) 😂💁♀️
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The office is starting to come together. Still need to repaint the ceiling, replace the window blind, get more black Kallax shelves and storage boxes for the left wall, and pick out an office chair and floor mat. But hey, I’m not sitting at the dining room table anymore!
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On one hand, the mould spots aren’t nearly as bad as I feared. On the other hand, I hate all of this.
This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…