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    I suspect this is the last warm day of the year, and Westpark is busy. I’m really going to miss this. 🍻🍁🍂 (2022 Biergarten count: 15)

    I suspect this is the last warm day of the year, and Westpark is busy. I’m really going to miss this. 🍻🍁🍂 (2022 Biergarten count: 15)

    I suspect this is the last warm day of the year, and Westpark is busy. I’m really going to miss this. 🍻🍁🍂 (2022 Biergarten count: 15)

    I suspect this is the last warm day of the year, and Westpark is busy. I’m really going to miss this. 🍻🍁🍂 (2022 Biergarten count: 15)

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    Sticky slow roast pork belly (made by the Snook), with charred Brussels sprouts and mash (made by me). 😍 @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/vwQE3E1qYe

    “Thank goodness I’ve outgrown that,” I say, alt-tabbing back to my permanently open Ao3 tab of Sherlock fanfic… 😂 https://t.co/WsbVt2xbG9

  • Photo Post

    Sticky slow roast pork belly (made by the Snook), with charred Brussels sprouts and mash (made by me). 😍

    Sticky slow roast pork belly (made by the Snook), with charred Brussels sprouts and mash (made by me). 😍

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    RT @sanchitdilip: Join my session at AWS #reInvent2022 to learn how different AWS Data Analytics services, like Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR…

    RT @themaninblue: This thread is just completely amazing creativity at every level of quality:


    @rohini_gaonkar It’s a beautiful church, but I’m so sorry about the circumstances.

    @Amys_Kapers @MishManners I was staying in a hotel in Bangalore with a really big tub and @rohini_gaonkar gave me a life-changing tip: call Reception and ask for bath salts. They brought them to me! It was amazing!

    RT @JamesOstime: What’s the sexiest a man has ever been in a movie? The dude version of Phoebe Cates in Fast Times, or Sharon Stone in Basi…

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    RT @anndeejam: it is a reflex from childhood for people my age to say “Marge! The rains are ’ere!” when it starts raining we can’t help it…

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    RT @deekob: Me looking smug before giving my first ever talk at #NDCSydney – thanks to everyone who sat through the ‘jokes’ and @NDC_Confer…

    RT @lizthegrey: Some personal news: I am now the Field CTO at @honeycombio!

    I’ll be working with Honeycomb’s most strategic clients, and a…

    Halal Street Cart Chicken, made by me! https://t.co/nfd1m4rSkH

    Ch-ch-ch-changes! ❤️ @ Munich, Germany https://t.co/FT0ofWQgnx

    @emd3737 Important research!! 😂 https://t.co/vbaaea8cnV

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    Ch-ch-ch-changes! ❤️

    Ch-ch-ch-changes! ❤️

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    Halal Street Cart Chicken, made by me!

    Halal Street Cart Chicken, made by me!

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    RT @JessicaValenti: https://t.co/Ia6aDauKYY

    I’m really honored to be asked to keynote at this event next week! Please join us – it’s going to be a great event, and I’m going to miss the local AWS community a lot next year. 😢❤️ https://t.co/kfoazSVqyJ

    @iAnuragKale You won’t be able to miss me. @hoegertn has insisted that I wear the AWS dress. 😂

    @MelissaKaulfuss @lindaliukas @pat I managed to find Lakritze gelato at just a random gelateria in Munich, so I think that might be more common than you think!

    Wow! We used to have the Schwan truck visit our house back in Indiana when I was growing up. How cool that the business continues to evolve and transform! https://t.co/HK1OUB5zZs

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    RT @stfn42: Well, it took 29 years, but I finally watched the original Jurassic Park, a cautionary tale about understaffing your engineerin…


My name is Kris. I’ve been blogging since the 90’s. I live in Sydney, Australia, and I spent most of my career in the tech industry.

No AI used in writing this blog, ever. 100% human-generated.



  1. This is one of those ones I just can’t remember (haven’t used it enough). Can do it when I look…

  2. Really excellent. It’s had a Much extended run here so who knows!



Special thanks to Matt Hinrichs for the site logo!