Garden Renovation – 2013-2014

Tiger Landscaping agreed to take on the project and were scheduled to start in February 2013. I decided to take a few more photos to show what things were like in the “before” state. Here’s the view from the back door. You can see how much the grass grew in the area we had cleared four months before.

Back garden

So the Snook had to clear it again.

Back garden

A bit like a war zone, let’s be honest.

Back garden

Random vines were growing up the shady back wall.

Back garden

Back garden

The side garden was pretty much just as overgrown and full of composting leaves as before.

Side garden

And this is the front garden. Not too far off what it looked like originally, but it bothered me that the space where the palm is was basically wasted. I had an idea that we could put it to more use for some sort of small shed.

Front garden

The first step was to get out another stump grinder to make sure the roots of the trees out the back were well and truly dead. (The trees that had grown were weeds and we’d been given approval to take them out and replace them with nice ones.)

Stump grinder

And on that same day, February 26, we also got a major delivery out front of all the pavers and wall bricks that we’d chosen. The poor guys from Tiger basically had to cart all of that stuff around the house and up multiple steps using just wheelbarrows!

Pavers and bricks

Here’s a giant pile of it out the back waiting to be put to use.

Pavers and bricks

And with that, it was finally time to start building…