Garden Renovation – 2013-2014

That pretty much takes us up to the end of March 2013. The concrete pad at the front had set up nicely and we were still trying to decide what to put on it.

Front garden

In early April it was time to plant! We decided to put four camellias along the shady wall in the back. You can also see two small clumps of plants between the camellias along the wall. This is creeping fig, which we hoped would eventually climb and cover the wall.


We also put a Japanese maple in the corner. I asked the Snook to pick things with COLOUR!

Japanese maple

Along the sunnier back wall, we planted a bougainvillea along with a lime tree and a Meyer lemon.

Citrus trees

The Snook asked them to plant the lemon centred in this old bricked up door opening in the wall, which we thought was a neat feature.


A month later in May, we had our first camellia blooms!



We planted some lettuce and green veg in the sunniest corner past the lemon tree. Something was trying to get the plants at night, so the Snook put up chickenwire to dissuade it. (Maybe a possum?)


I got us a little turtle to keep watch over the seedlings. His name is Maturin, of course.


Here’s June 1, 2013. The veggies are getting bigger!



By the end of June we had more camellia blooms and were able to harvest our first lettuce.




And here’s the end of August. This was more edible veg than I’d ever been able to grown in our garden before!


Things pretty much stayed that way through the spring and summer as we were busy with travel and work…