Quick! Eat it before it jumps away!
Another damn snake. This one was crawling all over Snookums to get to me, I swear.
Madam Hooch showed up at one point and gave us all a lecture on Quidditch rules. She’s holding the Golden Snitch here.
Welcome to Hogwarts! At last we arrived. (Shh! It was really Mossvale.)
We’d been assigned to “houses” for the purposes of receiving our food and books, and ostensibly we were all supposed to go stand near our banners. Really we all just milled around confused for a while. (Our adult carriage were all “Slytherin,” presumably because kids would’ve cried if they’d been assigned there.)
Another shot of the crowd. Several parents met us at the station, so that explains some of the Muggle dress here.
Food! Morning tea was catered by The Three Broomsticks as seen here. We had sausage rolls and cauldron cakes and bags of candy, and everyone got a bottle of butterbeer.
The aforementioned butterbeer. They even had custom labels printed up that said it’d been brewed by goblins!
As a homebrewer, Snookums felt compelled to give the butterbeer a try. Unfortunately it tasted like ass. It was sort of a supersweet cream soda.
Another crowd shot. I took this one because of the girl in the middle who’d spray-painted her head orange. A Weasley!