It’s the Snook as Spike and our friend Major as Elvis. Apparently he went to the costume shop and “requested the fattest Elvis they had”. It was impressive.
More guests – Helen as Luna Lovegood, Clinton as a pirate, and Amy as Princess Leia.
Our friend Steve came as a bogan, which is Australian for redneck. He even cut his hair in a mullet and grew out a nasty mustache. I don’t recall why I’m looking annoyed.
Eek! Luna’s about to drink a spider! (I should point out here that I didn’t take most of these photos, so I’m not sure my captions are going to be very illuminating.)
Helen is putting on her blonde wig, which completes the costume.
Kiri and Kyrenia, two of my EPSON hootchies. Aren’t they looking sexy?
I made witches’ finger cookies, which – in addition to being very tasty and gross-looking – became a prop in many a photograph.
Clinton gets in on the action.
Here you can see a bit of our awesome food table, complete with pumpkin cupcakes, meringue bones, witches fingers, and fairy bread. (That’s a disgusting Australian party treat involving buttered white bread covered in candy sprinkles.)
Now it’s Helen’s turn.
My friend Kevin came as a gay pirate. Here he is examining my new push-up bra while I stake him through the heart.
Me and the EPSON girls.
Steve the Bogan.
Kitchen congregation – that’s Princess Leia, her husband Rob (as Han Solo), Elvis, Toast the Proctologist, and the Snook.
Avada Kedavra!
Steve gives the unwitting gay pirate bunny ears.
The Snook entertains Huw and Selga, who were forgiven their sin of not dressing up by virtue of how much they liked my treats.
Elvis and the gay pirate.
Me and the Snook. Damn we looked good. I mean, seriously. We are hot! Too bad we only look like this one night out of the year.
The best picture of us… EVER.
Steve finished the night in good spirits, despite his dodgy ‘tache.