A couple years back my Dad and his wife sent me one of those How to Host a Murder games. The theme was 1920’s Chicago. It sat on a shelf for ages until we finally decided it was time to give it a go. Invitations were sent out to three other couples and characters were assigned. I rented The Great Gatsby and The Cat’s Meow for costume inspiration while the Snook made plans for an authentic Italian-American four course dinner. The end result was way more fun than we’d even imagined.
This was the sign that greeted our guests as they arrived: The Chippendale Legitimate Businessmen’s Social Club. (The reference is from The Simpsons.)
And now, the cast of characters…
Major as Billy (“The Kid”) Thrower, baseball player.
Kate as “Silky” M. Adam (proprietor of one of Chicago’s most prominent private clubs) and Steve as S. Treighton Harrow (US District Attorney).
Rob as Eddie “Socks” R. Gyle, golfer and owner of a gaming house.
Steph as Anna Maria Carlotta Sassine (“Torchy”), famous Chicago night club singer.
Amy as Molly M. Awbsterr, flapper and “society dame”.
Me as Malissa F. Orrthot (“Scoop”), newspaper reporter. (The dress and hat were rented from a local Costume Shop, but the fur is an authentic real vintage silver fox fur lent to me by Ma Snook. It was SO NICE.)
Snookums as Ernie (“Bet a Million”) G. Ambler, millionaire gambler. (The costume was rented but the wallet chain and dodgy pencil-thin mustache were all his own invention.)
The game begins with everyone reading their character information and then introducing themselves. The first round then starts as people question each other about information and clues pertaining to the death of Hal Coppone. We served antipasto and cocktails for this first round. We also listened to period music as well as the introductory CD that came with the game.
Torchy introduces herself.
The other suspects size each other up.
Ernie is always stylish.
Socks and Silky check out a map of the Luxington Gardens Hotel where Cappone lived. Round Two was accompanied by the second course of the evening, Risotta Milanese. (Risotto with saffron.) Delicious…
Silky, Molly, and Torchy relax between rounds.
Scoop tries to look innocent as she questions Socks for information.
“You win some, you lose some.” Ernie explains his philosophy of life.
Silky looks on.
The District Attorney tries to defend himself against accusations of bribery and corruption. (Incidentally, we now have conclusive proof that Steve is a replicant. It’s all about the glowing red eyes…)
Billy addresses accusations of game-fixing while Ernie clears away the main course, veal scallopini with roasted vegetables.
Ernie, Silky, and Harrow enjoy a glass of red wine.
Molly prepares to make her final accusation.
District Attorney Harrow announces his belief that Socks led the murder conspirators.
The final round takes place overdessert, which is homemade tira misu. Ernie rests his eyes while he waits to hear the big revelation.
Torchy, Socks, and Billy are stunned as the truth finally comes out.
Silky reads more of the conclusion as Harrow and Molly look on.
Torchy smiles and Socks watches as the killer is brought to justice.
No, I’m not going to tell you whodunit. To be honest, there isn’t a lot of point. As a game, the mystery kinda sucked. Everyone had a motive and there were so many details and plot convolutions that it was like something out of The Big Sleep. There’s no way to possibly guess who the murderer is going to be (especially once you’ve been drinking cocktails for three hours). Hell, I even guessed myself! Where the game succeeds is in providing a theme and environment to get dressed up and act funny. Everyone had a great time trying out their Chicago accents and making up mannerisms for their characters. So in that respect, I really recommend it.
Huge thanks to Amy and Rob, Steph and Major, and Kate and Steve for coming along. It was so fun that everyone went all out on the costumes and really got into the spirit of the thing! And of course, all the credit for a wonderful meal goes to the Snook. He’s the best. 🙂