Our House – July 2002

Laundry Shed

The other side of the courtyard houses the shed, which is where our washing machine lives. (Have you gotten the idea yet that living in an old house is one compromise after another?) I like the big bed of ferns too. Above the planter on the wall is a retractable clothesline that pulls across to the other side.

Back of house

Turning back towards the house, you can see the outside of the bathroom extension. The weird trellis thing on the right holds the water heater. On the ground is a new flower plant the Snooks brought us but we haven’t had time to transplant yet. Behind it is a barren little planter with evil non-germinating basil seeds from hell. Above it is one of our new marigold seedlings, which are blossoming…



Baby lemons

Our lemon tree has little fruits on it! See the tiny green nubbins?

Grape vine

Our neighbour has an incredible grape vine that runs all down the length of the dividing fence. It even has tiny little grapes on it!

The real version

So that was our lovely little garden. Of course, most of the time it looks more like this… but you get the idea.

Up the stairs

Last stop on the tour… upstairs! Be careful, there’s no handrail on the right side.