In the interest of Alex’s and Nick’s privacy, I’ve omitted their rooms from the tour. (Nick lives up on the top floor.) If you wanna see their accomodation for yourself, you’ll have to catch them in the pub and wrangle an invitation…
Let’s head downstairs and out the front door. Here’s what it looks like from the front.
There’s the big front window that you could see from the living room. Most of the houses on our street look pretty much identical, but English people really go to town on their front gardens to differentiate. We pretty much just leave ours alone though.
Here’s the whole house as seen from across the street. That’s my window above the living room, and Alex’s little one is to the left of that. You can see the skylights above Nick’s loft in the roof. That’s Alex’s little car in front, too.
This is the view down Rannoch Road. It already looks different in the week since I took this. The trees are all flowering and green things are starting to poke out of windowboxes. It’s a nice street.
We’re only a block away from Fulham Palace Road, which is one of Hammersmith’s main thoroughfares. Here you can see the Sainsbury’s Local where we buy our groceries, and down from that is the Post Office and the video store. And that’s it! I hope you liked the tour!