Paul & Elly’s Wedding – September, 1999

Before I left the U.S. for “this scepterd isle”, I met up with my girls for one last weekend of fun at the wedding of our 1997 PW Resident Assistant, Elly Terrell. Elly was marrying a fellow Domer named Paul Brenner, who most of us affectionately referred to as “Tree”. (He was frickin’ tall.) Here are some of the highlights…


Lizzie the vamp

Kelly and I drove to Dayton, Ohio to meet at Liz McKillop’s house before the wedding. Here’s Pants (i.e. Liz), who decided to go in purple to show her Weasel pride.

All doodied up for the ceremony...

The vamp, the schoolteacher, and the businesswoman, in front of Lizzie’s cute little house at the Wright Pat Air Force Base.

A wider shot...

This was really supposed to be us holding our legs out in a cute little pose, but we got shoved way into the corner. Apparently Papa McKillop decided his house was cuter than we were (which was true).

Lizzie and her papa

Lizzie and her Papa… It’s funny, you can see “Col. McKillop” on the house right over his head!

We met up with (Amy) Crawford at the church. The ceremony was beautiful. Our PW Rector, Sister Sue, did one of the readings. Elly and Paul were both crying at various points. Paul’s, like, 90-year-old grandfather gave the final blessing. It was great to be a part of it.


The Weasel table

The Weasel table at the reception. We were way back in the corner, and we kept sucking people – Sister Sue, Jen Hunkler (bridesmaid in blue, former PW Assistant Rector), Katie (Marchetti, former PW President) – over to us. Oh, and as you can see, we’d discovered the free bar by this time.

Beautiful Weasels!

A bevy of beautiful Weasels!
From left to right, that’s Crawfy, me, Pants, Elly, Hunkler, Kel, Sista, and Marchetti.

David and Goliath

Aren’t I such a Gigantor? My chest completely dominates this picture. (Interesting note: There was a little red fire alarm near the doorway in the background that looked like it was growing out of Lizzie’s head. I erased it.)

Elly and Paul

The happy couple. Who thinks I should have been a professional wedding photographer? That’s right Crawford… ME. (I also just noticed that this picture bears a striking spatial resemblance to the one of me and Lizzie above. HAHAHA!)

Something fishy here...

What’s wrong with this picture? Can you guess? Well, let’s just say I was curious to see what I looked like NOT as a Gigantor. *grin* That’s right, I completely remapped and rescaled myself down to the height of Lizzie, Crawfy and Kelly. I think I look weird. Go to the next page to see the real version, which I (once again) dominate. (P.S. I think I look like my own Mini-Me in this one.)


The real version...

The real version. I swear, I need to find taller friends. Or else start surreptitiously start feeding you all growth hormone. One or the other.


The infamous picture. I’d like to note that it’s completely blurry because I was waaaaaay too close to the subject, and it’s hard to see ANYTHING. Which is exactly what Pants pointed out.
[NOTE: It’s almost two years later, and I have no idea what was infamous about this photo, nor what Liz said. Obviously it was of some importance, but I’ve got no clue nowadays. Funny thing, memory.]

Kelly funny...

Oh, there are so many possibilities with this one. (Heehee) I think it’s funny because it sorta looks like Lizzie is tickling Kel’s waddle. And that makes me laugh. Of course, they’re both just individually funny in it too.

Lizzie and Crawfy

Please note that Crawfy is in focus and Liz is not, despite the fact that they were equidistant from the camera. The obvious explanation, then, is that Lizzie was doing one of her patented drunken “I-love-this-person-so-much-I’m-going-to-squeeze-them-to-death” hugs and her whole body was vibrating with the effort.


Artist and sculpture...

The famous artist A.E. Crawford poses with her newest piece, entitled simply “Marriage.” Note the use of the wine glasses, which are considered to be typical “wedding symbols.” These glasses break easily, yet nonetheless Crawford has stacked them upon each other in flagrant defiance of the gods, fate, convention, and traditional table etiquette. Also note that the classes are filled with lemon wedges (symbolic of SOURNESS), in what seems to be a comment on comtemporary social mores. And what are we to make of the different levels of ice tea in the glasses? Only the artist knows for sure. (Although Liz certainly seems to get a kick out of it.)

Bubble war

In the current fashion, the guests were given little bottles of bubbles to blow as the bride and groom left. I tried to take this picture of Katie blowing them in Crawford’s face, but unfortunately they all popped on Crawfy before the shutter closed. So I drew some in, but I’m now regretting it because they look sorta like eggs.

Another pic of the happy couple

What astounds me most is that this picture, taken hours later and in different lighting conditions, looks almost IDENTICAL to the previous one.

The honeymoon car...

The couple leave for their honeymoon in the Grand Canyon. Note the liberal use of shaving cream on the windows and the empty beer case beside the car. (Somebody had fun decorating this automobile!) I never did get what that weird aluminum foil thing on the roof was though…