We met up with (Amy) Crawford at the church. The ceremony was beautiful. Our PW Rector, Sister Sue, did one of the readings. Elly and Paul were both crying at various points. Paul’s, like, 90-year-old grandfather gave the final blessing. It was great to be a part of it.
The Weasel table at the reception. We were way back in the corner, and we kept sucking people – Sister Sue, Jen Hunkler (bridesmaid in blue, former PW Assistant Rector), Katie (Marchetti, former PW President) – over to us. Oh, and as you can see, we’d discovered the free bar by this time.
A bevy of beautiful Weasels!
From left to right, that’s Crawfy, me, Pants, Elly, Hunkler, Kel, Sista, and Marchetti.
Aren’t I such a Gigantor? My chest completely dominates this picture. (Interesting note: There was a little red fire alarm near the doorway in the background that looked like it was growing out of Lizzie’s head. I erased it.)
The happy couple. Who thinks I should have been a professional wedding photographer? That’s right Crawford… ME. (I also just noticed that this picture bears a striking spatial resemblance to the one of me and Lizzie above. HAHAHA!)
What’s wrong with this picture? Can you guess? Well, let’s just say I was curious to see what I looked like NOT as a Gigantor. *grin* That’s right, I completely remapped and rescaled myself down to the height of Lizzie, Crawfy and Kelly. I think I look weird. Go to the next page to see the real version, which I (once again) dominate. (P.S. I think I look like my own Mini-Me in this one.)