We decided to head straight to “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” next, in case we’d need to get a Fast Pass for later in the day. Here we are making a pit stop in Adventureland. (Fast Pass, in case you don’t know, is a kickass scheme on the popular rides where you get a pass with a one-hour window wherein you can just walk up to the front of the line without having to wait.)
In an effort to psyche himself up for the perilous ride ahead, Rodd was imitating a large snake monument near the “Indiana Jones” line. He’s so cute. He figured he’d be all right on this one, because although the cars go BACKWARDS, the guidebook didn’t list any loops or corkscrews.
The guidebook was a liar. On the back of the ride, hidden from view, is a BACKWARDS 360-degree loop. (It’s in that stone archway on the left.) I was almost scared myself. I’d never ridden a backwards roller coaster before. We screwed up our courage and got on it though. And it sucked! Well, it didn’t suck, but you can’t see much and therefore you never really build up any tension. The loop was cool, but steeply-banked backwards curves are hurl-inducing. I wasn’t a big fan.
Since Snookums was so brave in riding the coaster, I told him I’d buy him anything in the “Indiana Jones” merchandise shop. Unsurprisingly, he chose one of the zillions of cap guns they had. They were actually pretty cool (metal and real-looking), but none of the shops in the park actually sold the caps that went with them. We had a lot of fun with that gun… Here Snookums plugs eMan in the middle of the street. (You could see if better if the wind hadn’t blown a chunk of my hair into the frame.)
On to a more sedate attraction: the Swiss Family Robinson Tree House. It’s exactly the same as the one at DisneyWorld, right down to the concrete trunk and plastic leaves. Here Anne checks out the complicated water wheel that Franz and Fritz built. (Damn, Fritz was The Man, wasn’t he?) It’s always funny to see how much stuff they salvaged off their ship too. I mean, an entire bookcase?