Our hotel, Sequoia Lodge, was really nice. eMan again woke us up at the crack of dawn, and we headed down to the dining room for a big buffet breakfast. (I look like an absolute TROLL in this picture. In my defense, I’d been awake for all of 20 minutes, I hadn’t had any caffeine yet, and the chair was really cushy and I had to hunch forward to reach the table.)
This is our hotel from the outside. It was about a 15 minute walk from the park entrance, including the time it took to get around the big man-made lake that separated the two. On the far right side was a New England-y type hotel, and on the far left was a postmodern New York-y type hotel (complete with Rockefeller Center ice rink out front!). Ours was more “rustic Pacific Northwest,” but it was still very modern and very comfortable.
Here we are headed back to the park for a second day. It’s only 9 a.m., and not a lot of the families have made it out yet. Way behind us you can see our hotel across the lake. And oh yeah, baby, I’m wearing the Minnie Mouse ears!
The sun decided to come out for two seconds, so here’s my Snookums lookin’ fly in his shades. He once again abstained as the rest of us started our day with a heapin’ helpin’ of Space Mountain. I almost don’t blame him; I felt a little queasy after that big breakfast myself! (And according to Snookums, some guy two trains ahead of us arrived back at the station covered in his own hurl.)
You can’t go to DisneyLand and not see a show! Here we are at Mickey’s Winter Wonderland Extravaganza. This was seriously one of the weirdest parts of the trip. Unlike the rides and attractions, where they would either have signs in English or provide translation headphones, the show was totally bilingual. I mean that Mickey and Co. would seriously alternate between using French and English, sometimes in the same sentence! It worked fairly well and everybody could follow along, but there’s something jarring about hearing Goofy speak in French followed by Donald singing “Let it Snow” in English.